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# Package for API v2 MoIP
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> License


## Installation

#### Composer

Start by adding the package to require your composer.json

composer require artesaos/moip

Having loaded dependencies and installed on your project, we will add ServiceProvider and facade.

### ServiceProvider
You need to update your application configuration in order to register the package so it can be loaded by Framework.

#### Laravel
Just update your `config/app.php` file adding the following code at the end of your `'providers'` section:

'providers' => array(

#### Lumen
Go to `/bootstrap/app.php` file and add this line:

// file START ommited
// file END ommited

#### Facade
Adding a new item on its facade

'aliases' => array(
    'App'     => Illuminate\Support\Facades\App::class,
    'Artisan' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan::class,
    'Moip'    => Artesaos\Moip\Facades\Moip::class,

#### Settings
To move the MoIP settings file to the Settings folder of your application, simply perform the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Artesaos\Moip\Providers\MoipServiceProvider"

If you have already published the files, but for some reason need to override them, add the flag '--force' at the end of the previous command.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Artesaos\Moip\Providers\MoipServiceProvider" --force

His `.env` file, add the following values


## Using

$moip = Moip::start();

#### Creating a buyer

In this example we will create a request with customer data - With delivery and payment address.
try {
    $customer = $moip->customers()->setOwnId(uniqid())
        ->setFullname('Fulano de Tal')
        ->setPhone(11, 66778899)
            'Rua de teste', 123,
            'Bairro', 'Sao Paulo', 'SP',
            '01234567', 8)
                  'Rua de teste do SHIPPING', 123,
                  'Bairro do SHIPPING', 'Sao Paulo', 'SP',
                  '01234567', 8)
} catch (Exception $e) {
#### Creating an application with the buyer we just created

In this example with various products and also specifying freight value, additional value and further discount amount.

try {
    $order = $moip->orders()->setOwnId(uniqid())
        ->addItem("bicicleta 1",1, "sku1", 10000)
        ->addItem("bicicleta 2",1, "sku2", 11000)
        ->addItem("bicicleta 3",1, "sku3", 12000)
        ->addItem("bicicleta 4",1, "sku4", 13000)
        ->addItem("bicicleta 5",1, "sku5", 14000)
        ->addItem("bicicleta 6",1, "sku6", 15000)
        ->addItem("bicicleta 7",1, "sku7", 16000)
        ->addItem("bicicleta 8",1, "sku8", 17000)
        ->addItem("bicicleta 9",1, "sku9", 18000)
        ->addItem("bicicleta 10",1, "sku10", 19000)

} catch (Exception $e) {

#### Creating payment

After creating the application simply create a payment request.
In this example we are paying by credit card.

try {
    $payment = $order->payments()->setCreditCard(12, 21, '4073020000000002', '123', $customer)

} catch (Exception $e) {

## Package for MoIP API v1 - Laravel 4

To use the package with Laravel 4 [clique aqui](, This package is integrated only with the V1 API MoIP

## Documentation

[Official documentation](

## License

[The MIT License](