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# About Eleventy Plugin SEO

An [Eleventy]( plugin to generate meta tags for improved SEO using the Liquid or Nujucks templating engines.

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_I wrote this plugin when moving from Jekyll to Eleventy to get the functionality I previously had with Jekyll SEO Tag._

## Features

* Page title with styling options and pagination.
* Page description.
* Canonical URL.
* Robots meta directive for pagination.
* Author meta directive.
* Open Graph markup.
* Twitter Card markup.
* Supports Liquid and Nunjucks.

## Installation

Available on [npm](

npm install eleventy-plugin-seo --save

Add the plugin to `.eleventy.js`:

const pluginSEO = require("eleventy-plugin-seo");

module.exports =  function(eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginSEO, require("./src/_data/seo.json"));

## Contributions and Support

This plugins does not come with GitHub Issues-based support, and users are instead encouraged to become active participants in its continued development - by fixing any bugs that they encounter, or by improving the plugin wherever it's found to be lacking.

If you wish to make a change, [open a Pull Request]( - even if it just contains a draft of the changes you're planning, or a test that reproduces an issue - and we can discuss it further from there.

## Usage

Add the following right before `</head>` in your site's template(s):

{% seo %}

{% seo "" %}


### Front Matter

The plugin uses these front matters when available:

title: Some page title
excerpt: Some page excerpt
author: Jane Doe
image: foo.jpg
ogtype: website
showPageNumbers: false

* `ogtype` defaults to `article`, set it to `website` or something more appropriate via front matter where required.
* `showPageNumbers` is `true` by default, but may be turned off globally via [plugin configuration](#Config) or on a per-page basis via a page’s front matter.

## Config

Pass in an object with config options to the plugin:

eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginSEO, {
  title: "Foobar Site",
  description: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
  url: "",
  author: "Jane Doe",
  twitter: "username",
  image: "foo.jpg"

Alternatively keep the options in an external file and require it:

eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginSEO, require("./src/_data/seo.json"));

### title

Uses the title in front matter and by default the site title gets appended to the page title, `page title - site title`. Page with page number gets appended to the page title when paginated. 

See options for customization.

### description

Uses front matter excerpt to generate the description. If no excerpt is set for a page it falls back on using the site description in the config. 

### url

Full URL to the site without trailing slash, ``.

### author

Full name of the site author, `Jane Doe`. Can be overridden on a per page basis using `author` in front matter.

### twitter

Twitter username for the author of the site. Used when generating the markup for Twitter cards.

### image

URL to default image to use if none is set in front matter when creating markup blocks for open graph and Twitter cards.

### Options

The behavior of the output can be controlled via an options object that can be passed in with the config.

eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginSEO, {
  title: "Foobar Site",
  options: {
    titleStyle: "minimalistic",
    titleDivider: "|",
    imageWithBaseUrl: true,
    twitterCardType: "summary_large_image",
    showPageNumbers: false

#### titleStyle

Setting the style to `minimalistic` removes the appending of the site title to all title strings.

#### titleDivider

Changes the divider between elements in the title output from `-` to any custom character or string.

#### imageWithBaseUrl

Prepends the config `url` to the `image` option.

#### twitterCardType

Card type for Twitter card. Default is `summary`.

#### showPageNumbers

Enables you to control whether page numbers are displayed in the title, globally. Default is `true`.

## Additional Tags

While adding the `seo` tag is all that is needed, the plugin defines more tags that it uses internally that can be convenient to use in other places.

* [Additional Tags](doc/