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Test Coverage
### 0.8.3 (Next)

* [#45]( Allow for class level ngram updates to not timeout - [@roykolak](
* Your contribution here.

### 0.8.2 (8/5/2018)

* [#35]( Mongoid 7 compatibility - [@tomasc](

### 0.8.0 (1/19/2017)

* [#28]( Moved to the mongoid organization - [@dblock](
* [#28]( Compatibility with Mongoid 6 - [@dblock](
* [#28]( Only testing on Ruby 2.3.1 and MongoDB 3.2 - [@dblock](
* [#31]( Added danger, PR linter - [@dblock](

### 0.7.1 (11/18/2015)

* [#24]( Fix: `undefined method 'create_indexes' for module 'Mongoid::Indexable::ClassMethods'` - [@dblock](

### 0.7.0 (9/18/2015)

* Compatible with Mongoid 4 and 5 - [@dblock](
* Rewritten .gemspec, removed Jeweler - [@dblock](
* Added RuboCop - [@dblock](

### 0.6.1 (4/3/2013)

* [#6]( Upgrade to Mongoid ~> 3.0 - [@simi](

### 0.6.0 (7/16/2012)

* [#2]( Upgrade to Mongoid 3.0 - [@volmer](
* [#1]( Fix: downcase destroys non-latin strings - [@netoneko](

### 0.5.8 (3/8/2012)

* Fix: do not CGI.unescape inside fulltext search - [@dblock](
* Refactored array filter API, allowing for overriding filter query method - [@ethul](
* Fix: check for the existence of the Mongoid.logger before calling it in case it was configured to false - [@AaronH](
* Added install instructions to Readme - [@Nerian](

### 0.5.7 (1/11/2012)

* Added `reindex_immediately` option to suppress automatic reindexing - [@joeyAghion](
* Fix: treatment of word separators, adding newlines, tabs and dashes into the set of default word separators - [@aaw](

### 0.5.4 (11/8/2011)

* Made full word and prefix bumps inversely proportional to the length of the string - [@aaw](

### 0.5.3 (11/8/2011)

* Added an option to index short prefixes of words - [@aaw](

### 0.5.2 (11/5/2011)

* Added the ability to index full words that are less than the ngram length and not stop words - [@aaw](

### 0.5.1 (11/2/2011)

* Reducing the score for a full-word match (these used to be counted multiple times for multiple occurrences) and adding a list of stopwords to the config. Stopwords aren't given a score boost when matched as full words - [@aaw](
* Added UTF8 downcasing - [@zepplock](

### 0.5.0 (10/11/2011)

* Fix: inconsistet scoring words with the same length as the ngram length - [@aaw](

### 0.4.5 (10/5/2011)

* Added `update_if` config option to control when index updates occur - [@nickhoffman](

### 0.4.4 (8/31/2011)

* Added `remove_accents` - [@tdp2110](

### 0.4.3 (8/3/2011)

* Fix: including `Mongoid::FulltextSearch` and not using it causes created_indexes to fail - [@dblock](

### 0.4.2 (6/28/2011)

* Delay-creating indexes in sync with how Mongoid creates indexes on normal collections - [@dblock](

### 0.4.1 (6/27/2011)

* Using `Mongoid.logger` for logging - [@dblock](
*    Changed `ensure_index` to index in the background, avoid blocking booting app - [@dblock](

### 0.4.0 (6/19/2011)

* Removing all use of map-reduce - [@aaw](
* Support class name with module for example (Module::ClassConstantName) - [@steverandy](

### 0.3.7 (6/7/2011)

*    Added support for updating model indexes in bulk - [@dblock](

### 0.3.6 (5/27/2011)

* Skipping words that are shorter than the n-gram - [@dblock](
* Added `index_full_words` - [@dblock](
*    Keeping max score of ngram in the ngram hash - [@dblock](

### 0.3.5 (5/25/2011)

* Added index on document_id for faster remove - [@dblock](
* Addeda way to return scored results - [@dblock](

### 0.3.4 (5/16/2011)

* Added support for array filters - [@dblock](
* Added support for Ruby 1.8.7 - [@dbussink](

### 0.3.2 (4/19/2011)

* Exposing `update_ngram_index` and `remove_from_ngram_index` for fast bulk-updating the index - [@aaw](

### 0.3.1 (4/14/2011)

* Support for mongo versions >= 1.7.4 - [@aaw](

### 0.3.0 (4/13/2011)

* Adding the ability to define filters on an index - [@aaw](

### 0.2.0 (4/13/2011)

* Multiple indexes per model, removing internal indexes entirely - [@aaw](

### 0.1.1 (4/11/2011)

* Keep garbage in the index from blowing up `fulltext_search` - [@aaw](
* Indexing the results of `to_s` if no fields are provided - [@aaw](
* Adding a `before_destroy` callback for external indexes - [@aaw](

### 0.1.0 (4/7/2011)

* Initial public release - [@aaw](