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Test Coverage
    ping                            - say pong
    giphy <term>                    - post a damn giph
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻                   - will flip all table back upright
    yomama                          - tell a yo mama joke
    xkcd                            - get todays xkcd comic
    fortune                         - get a random fortune message
    game                            - set bots game title
    goodshit                        - Good shit.
    roll                            - roll some dice! (try roll 2d10)
    who is the scrub                - Finds the scrub
    decide thing1 or thing2         - pick randomly between the two
    reminder at 00:00 01/12 thing   - Reminds you of something at the given time
    meme <memeName> "top" "bottom"  - generates an image macro with the specified attributes
    urban <term>                    - return the urban dictionary page for a term or use random for the lols
    youtube <term>                  - return youtube search for term
    8ball <question>                - answer question with random result
    lol status                      - return status of league servers
    say <phrase>                    - utilize TTS to speak phrase
    coin                            - flips a coin
    cat                             - gets you a picture of a cat
    wiki <term>                     - searches wikipedia for term and returns a link
    comic <term>                    - gets random web comic from site (currently only c&h
    !bots?                          - Force all bots to identify themselves