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# Discobot
**A chat bot for [Discord](**

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## Usage:
 - Install: `npm install -g discobot`
 - Use: `DISCORD_EMAIL=foo DISCORD_PASSWORD=bar discobot`

Use `HAILING` + `BOT_NAME` + `COMMAND` to talk to your bot

Example: `!bot help`

## Configuration

Discobot will read these config variable in from a .config file that is json formatted. So you can create a file that looks like the following with your configuration options in it.

        "RIOT_API_KEY": "xxx",
        "GOOGLE_CSE_ID": "xxx",
        "IMGFLIP_USER": "xxx",
        "IMGFLIP_PASSWORD": "!xxx",
        ... etc

You can also pass config variables in on the cli when running the bot like so:


 List of Configuration options:

|environment variable|default|required|
|`DISCORD_EMAIL`| - | yes |
|`DISCORD_PASSWORD`| - | yes |
|`DISCORD_GUILD`| Will connect to first guild in accounts roster | - |
|`DISCORD_VOICE_CHANNEL`| Will connect to the General voice channel | - |
|`DISCORD_TEXT_CHANNEL`| Will connect to the general voice chat | - |
|`BOT_NAME`| bot | - |
|`HAILING`| ! | - |
|`NO_HAILING`| false | - |
|`IMGFLIP_USER`| - | - |
|`GOOGLE_KEY`| - | - |
|`GOOGLE_CSE_ID`| - | - |
|`RIOT_API_KEY`| - | - |
|`TEST_CHANNEL`| - | - |

Note that `DISCORD_GUILD`, `DISCORD_VOICE_CHANNEL` and `DISCORD_TEXT_CHANNEL` can be either names or IDs

## [Bot Commands](

Use `!bot help` to get a list of commands, or take a peek at the `/src/modules/` directory

## [Development](

This is a truly open project!

Pull requests will be merged and we will happily give out contributor access to those who contribute!

We have prizes for anyone that contributes code!

|  Lines Contributed | Prize                     |                                                                                          |
|               50   | Discobot Sticker          | ![]( =50x50)                                             |
|               100  | Discobot T-Shirt          | ![]( =50x50) ![]( =50x50)|