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# Summary for sprint 11

## Mohamed 
This sprint I had two tasks the first was to implement the UI for the comment section and the second, to connect it to firebase, I ended up working 8 hours on the UI of the comment section because it was quite complex. It took multiple tries to get right.  

## Giovanni (Scrum Master)
This week I finish my task Notification this take me more time then expeted, because I spent a lot of time on the requested changes, and had a 
problem with how to store properly the server key

## Luke
This week I spent about 1 hours finishing up the testing of my PR from last week (editing existing projects). Arnaud helped me very much with this. I then spent a lot of time reviewing various PRs as well as working on adding a map to the application. I am in the process of adding a map to the project creation and project information activities. When starting though, I spent a lot of time watching videos and reading documentation about how to do this. I had a problem with the google cloud API key but was able to fix this relatively quickly. I am overall quite happy with my work this week, and feel that each task took a reasonable amount of time. I spent an overall 10 hours on the project this week.

## Arnaud
This week I added two activities, one that display a cv and the other one for a profile.  
I also fix a problem I had with the firebase implementation of getCv.  
It took me a little more time than expected because of that problem.  

## Kaourintin
I had a lot of trouble running the AR video camera on computer and designing tests, I took a lot of time learning about hilt and I didn’t succeed in doing anything concrete this week  for one small PR

## Paul
This week I finish implementing Dagger Hilt in our code base. It took me two weeks to do this, but it seems that it was worth it, as all the testing and access to our services are cleaner and easier now. This should have been achieved earlier as we would have been far more productive.
I need to get more used to the error reporting of the Hilt framework, and also to add more tests

## Overall Team
This sprint we work well and we did 2 stand up meeting, the only problem is as it is the end of the 
semester we have lot of work and it can be difficult to manage the time between all deadlines