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# Summary for week 2

## Mohamed
I made the projects clickable and they now open a new activity with the details of the project and the user can go back to the list of projects from the new activity.
My time estimate for coding the feature and testing it was accurate but I spend more time on merging and fixing bugs and resolving conflicts.
Next time I will try to think of how the code I am writing may cause bugs when new features are added.

## Giovanni
I add a checkbox to allow students to choose their favorite project.

## Luke
I added a search UI to the projects list activity and implemented the search function.
The time spent coding and debugging well exceeded the estimated 8 hours, because of a bug in the displaying of the project list, which was being redrawn each time a letter was typed.
Next time, I will be more careful to write efficient code.

## Arnaud
I added a cached version of the ProjectDatabase, then I use most of my times writting tests and merging changes.
I linked the database to the the project list activity.
It took me more than 12 hours, because the change to the new type of ImmutableProject took me many times to rewrite my code to be compatible.
Next time, I will try to add more tests to my code (not enough code coverage).

## Kaourintin 
I improved the project type by making it totally immutable and easier to create slightly modified copies. I then changed it to make it easier to incorporate it into other people's code. I added tags to the project (for now as a simple string list). My sprint tasks were slightly short of eight hours but I think I took on the right amount of work. Next time I would like to do some UI because i've only done backend and don't fully understand the code of others which is annoying for reviews.

## Paul (Scrum Master)
I added more tests to my last week task. 

I also begin my new task which was to setup a favorites Collection on firebase, which stores user's favorite projects. Then I setup a interface and implementation of it to interract with this newly created collection. Everything went flawlessly except, that Mockito has some issue with some Firebase class.

I need to get more familiar with the scrum board, and UI testing.

## Overall Team
The team took realize that last sprint was not a good one, and worked hard to put the project back on track.

We are getting more ease with the Scrum metodology. We did a stand up meeting each day, tracking the progress of each member an their difficulties.

However we are still in hurry, and the final result (even though it is working) is not as polished as we wanted.