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Test Coverage
# Summary for week 3

## Mohamed
My task for this week was to implement the selection or creation of a  project video description, so I started by doing research on the different ways this could be implemented, this is not a task that can be done in one week and my time estimate of 8 hours was way off, I ended up implementing video selection from the file manager and ability to preview the selected video, this weeks work took about 10 hours. Next time when dividing tasks we should try to make the tasks as specific as possible(instead of implement possibility to take videos, implement the possibility to take videos with the existing camera app on the android phone) so that their is less time needed in figuring out what part of the task to focus on the implement.
## Giovanni
I made a UI for profile. With this interface user can add their informtions ,name,age,gender and can 
add a profile picture from the gallery. My time estimate for coding the feature was accrute but i spend more time
on merging and fixing bugs. I need next time to add more test in my code because my coverage was low

## Luke (Scrum Master)
I made taken projects be greyed out and at the end of the project list. I ran into some problems doing this, the greying out was inconsistent when I pressed on the search button but I managed to solve this relatively quickly. I also added a profile button next to the search button which leads to the profile page.
I spent roughly 7 hours on my task but overall 10 hours with merging and reviewing.
I need to achieve a better understanding of UI xml files.

## Arnaud
I added an interface and a firebase storage implementation, that allows us to push/get/delete file.
Everything works fine, except if we give an output directory where we don't have permission (Storage permissions is needed to be setup in nexts weeks).
I spent less than the expected time for this week (~5h instead of 8h).

## Kaourintin 
I did very similar work to my previous week. I added extra classes and linked the classes I did last week to make for a more complete and coherent database structure for projects and profile.
I also pre prepared my UI work for the next week by creating and linking the tags.

## Paul
I tried to improve the coverage for the overall project, which wasn't easy as most of the code of previous weeks relies on external dependencies and some Google API. The second part of my work was to create an UI to build up a curriculum vitae. As a CV can contain many info, I had to find a pleasant way to do it on a phone. It was exciting to learn new Android features with this task.
I spent around 3h in improving, and around 10h for building the CV creation UI.
I need to get to know better the Android documentation and Espresso testing.

## Overall Team
For the most part, we had tasks which we found quite accessible and doable. However we realised that Asfoury had a harder task than the rest of us and spent much more time working on it.
We had 3 stand-up meetings and relatively good communication, given that our tasks were quite independent.
We were unfortunately unable to be ready to merge for Thursday morning.