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Test Coverage
# Summary for week 5

## Mohamed
This week, my tasks were to fix some bugs with the video view in the project submission form, I started working on my tasks but after a standup meeting that we had Paul told me that to be able to work on his task he had to also fix the same bugs so we ended up just using his code and so I did not have a PR this sprint.
Next time we should think if the bug fixes we assign will prevent someone from being able to work on his task or maybe assign the bug to the same person working on the task that needs the bugs to be fixed.
The time estimate for this sprint was not accurate at all the bugs were fairly easy to fix and did not require much effort.

## Giovanni (Scrum Master)
This week , first  I finish my task of last week which was to allow user to use camera to add a video to their Cv. Then I implemented a classe to separate profile user of student and professor. My main problem with the first task was the coverage of testing because I can't find a way of testing the code for recording a video with camera. My time estimation was accurate for the first task but for the second I take less time then expected.
## Luke 
This week I finished implementing deep linking using dynamic firebase links. I added a share button to the project information activity which generates a link to share based on the project. When one clicks on this link, the app opens to the page of the relevant project. I took much longer than expected, 11hrs overall, and therefore did not complete everything I wanted. I was also unable to adequately test my code. I ran into many problems due to a lack of documentation of firebase dynamic links so I took a lot of time to figure out how I would pass the necessary information through the links.

## Arnaud
This week, I finished my previous task, which was adding videos to the project information view and HTML support for description.
I also fixed some bugs such as the app crashing if a project was invalid, and add some tests.

## Kaourintin 
I added a tagSelection activity that allows the user to view the list of allowed tags and choose which he wants to add to the project in the project build activity. My main issue is coverage and I am working on it.
The time stamp was accurate.

## Paul
This week, I finished my task of last week, which was to push a project with its video to Firebase.
I also started and finished my first task for this week which was implementing an activity to add subtitling to a video. Currently this activity is only used by the Form activity to subtitle a project presentation video.
I couldn't begin my second (smaller) task, which was fetching subtitle and playing a video with them, as my first task took me way more than 8h. However, it is partially done as I have to play video with subtitles, so that the user has feed back when creating them.

I had to read a lot of documentation on the best way to add subtitle and then how to format them (using the WEBVTT format). The difficult part was to debug the error in formatting the subtitles, so that the video view is able to decode them.
I wish I had the time to implement subtitling in multiple language.

Next week, I'll need to take smaller task with better time estimates.

## Overall Team

This week we had time to finish the tasks that were not  finished the last time and the task of this week because we choose our task more accurately

We did 3 stand up meeting to track the progress and the difficulties of each member 

We need to do the reviewing earlier the next week because some pull resquest need a lot changes which is difficult to do the day before the end of the sprint