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Test Coverage
# Summary for week 7

## Mohamed
This week I had to finish last weeks PR(needed to use mockito to write tests and improve code coverage) and also work on QR generation for the projects, I was able to do both but the 2 PRs wont pass the android tests on Cirrus despite passing before and passing locally. I was not sure what to do, this sprint my time estimates were corrcect for the implememtation of the new feature and for the tests, but I ended up working about 17 hours with a large part dedicated to trying different things to make the tests pass on Cirrus. In the end I was able to find what the problems were I ended up using the emulator with the smallest resolution which helped me reproduce the errors on Cirrus. the two PR have been merged

## Giovanni
This week I split UI to have to diffrent interface for student and professor, allow user to access diffrent functionality depend on if there are student and professor (when the user first sign). This task take me more time than expected, I don't have enough time to implement my second task which is create list of own projects available offline

## Luke (Scrum Master)
This week I added the apply/unapply feature to the app. I also set out to and spent a lot of time trying to enable the display of the list of projects applied to. I however realised that Paul is already creating a filter interface, so we decided that we would integrate the two. I had trouble testing my code and even a basic test would not work until I remembered the system's emulator screen is small. I also review a few PRs. I spent an overall 11hrs this week.

## Arnaud 
This week I added the possibility for teachers to view the list of candidatures for their projects.  
I also fix a bug where projects were not always displayed when the phone was in offline mode.  
I spent a lot of time writing tests and doing code reviews.  

## Kaourintin 

## Paul
This week, I added a feature that allows user to filter the list project according to some criteria (currently the required degree : bachelor or master). The design as been made such that it is easy to new criteria without modifying the list or adapter it self.
I had some minor issue, but it was not a big deal.

I worked a little bit more than 8h on this feature.

## Overall Team
This week, most tasks are finished but people seem to have spent quite a bit more than 8 hours on their tasks. Communication was good! We had 3 stand up meetings. Just as in the previous weeks, we really need to finish our tasks earlier so that we do not merge everything late.