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# cs169-pgm
CS169 Project Group Match

See the app on heroku at <a href=""></a>

See our tracking board at <a href="">Pivotal Tracker</a>

Travis CS Badge: [![Build Status](](

CodeClimate Badge:
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

CodeClimate Coverage Badge: 
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>

<h2>MVP User Stories</h2>
As a TA
I want to register as an administrator
So that I can edit and manage group-project matchings

As a TA
I want to generate pairings between groups and projects
So that all customers can have teams working on their projects

As a TA
I want to manually adjust pairings
So that I can address unforseen changes of circumstance

As a project team
We want to see the available projects
So that we can choose projects we're interested in

As a project team
We want to mark our project preferences
So that we can work on an exciting project for CS169

As  project team
We want to see the results of the project-group matching
So that we can get in touch with our customer and begin work

<h2>Github Rules of Engagement</h2>
    <li>All feature merges must go through pull requests
    <li>For small changes, must get an "LGTM" from one other team member
    <li>For larger changes, must get an "LGTM" from at least two other team members

<h2>Algorithm ideas</h2>