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<% if flash[:notice] != "You're currently logged in." %>
    <div class="alert-container">
        <p><%= flash.notice %></p> 
<% end %>
<h1>Fetch / Write Data </h1>
    <a href="<%= current_google_link %>" target="_blank">View current sheet</a> | <a href="<%=google_settings_path%>">Update settings</a>
    From this page you can pull group and project from the currently loaded google sheet, write matches back to that google sheet, or set up a new sheet

<h2>Populate Groups & Projects</h2>
    Before you can attempt any matches, you must populate the algorithm with projects, and group project preferences
    <%= form_tag(google_fetch_data_path, method: "GET") do %>
        <input id="fetch_group_data" class="button" type="submit" value="Populate Projects and Groups"/>
    <% end %>

<h2>Fetch or Write Matches</h2>
    If you would like to make manual adjustments to the algorithm's matching, 
    you can write the current match to a google sheet and adjust the matching there. 
    Once you are done making adjustments, you can import that google sheet back 
    into this app to render your new adjusted matching.
    <br><b>Note that importing matches will overwrite the app's existing match</b>
    <%= form_tag(google_write_matches_path, method: "POST") do %>
        <input id="write_matches" class="button" type="submit" value="Write Matches"/>
    <% end %>
    <%= form_tag(google_fetch_matches_path, method: "GET") do %>
        <input id="fetch_matches" class="button red" type="submit" value="Fetch Matches"/>
    <% end %>  