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Test Coverage
# NOTE: We didn't make it to implementing this in time for iter 4-2. We put it last due to its low priority for Darren
# We may still be able to fill it in before the final handoff. 
# Feature: Match high priority projects
#   As a TA
#   In order to ensure that loyal customers' projects get matched
#   I want to match them separately from the main preference-based matching algorithm

#   Scenario: Match high priority project
#     Given I am logged in as a TA
#     And I fill in the google settings
#     And All data is put into the database
#     And I am on the home page
#     And I have pressed the Re-Match button
#     Then I can see a match_table table
#     And high priority projects should not be in the unmatched projects
#   Scenario: High priority project could not be matched (ex. more high priority projects than groups)
#     Given I am logged in as a TA
#     And I fill in the google settings
#     And All data is put into the database
#     And I am on the home page
#     And I have pressed the Re-Match button
#     And I can see a match_table table
#     And there are unmatched high priority projects
#     Then I should see a warning message that these projects could not be matched