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\parbox{200pt}{\lettrine[lines=3,slope=-2pt,nindent=-4pt]{\textcolor{SchoolColor}{T}}{his thesis was typeset} using \LaTeX, originally developed by Leslie Lamport and based on Donald Knuth's \TeX. The body text is set in 11 point Egenolff-Berner Garamond, a revival of Claude Garamont's humanist typeface. The above illustration, \textit{Science Experiment 02}, was created by Ben Schlitter and released under \href{}{\textsc{cc by-nc-nd 3.0}}. A template that can be used to format a PhD dissertation with this look \textit{\&} feel has been released under the permissive \textsc{agpl} license, and can be found online at \href{}{} or from its lead author, Jordan Suchow, at \href{}{}.}