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Test Coverage
# Pay it Forward
[![Build Status](](//
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[![Test Coverage](](
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[![Security Status](](//

## Built With
Open Source:
- [Ruby on Rails](//
- [PostgreSQL](//
- [Redis](//
- [jQuery](//
- [Bootstrap](//

- [Heroku](//
- [S3](//

## Setup
#### Setup Backing Resources
- [Setup Postgres](//
- [Setup Redis](//
- Run `./bin/setup`
  - If you run into any error, configure the `.env` file and retry.

#### Setup Backing Resources With Docker
_Note: Since this project is setup to deploy via Heroku and their buildpacks, a rails/web docker container is not available. Having a web container would provide no benefit the development workflow at this time._
- [Install Docker](
- Initialize Boot2Docker `boot2docker init`
- [Install Fig](
- Start Boot2Docker `boot2docker up`
  - _Note: It's recommended to add the exports to your `~/.bash_profile` then reload your prompt_
- Start Backing Services `source`
- Run `./bin/setup`

#### Environment Variables
- All
  - `DATABASE_URL`: _`postgresql://username:password@host:port/database`_
  - `REDIS_URL`: _`redis://username:password@hostname:port/database_number`_

- Development
  - `TRUSTED_IP`: _``_ ([Better Errors](// [Optional](//

- Production
  - `APP_HOST`: _``_
  - `SECRET_KEY_BASE`: _`ea1e8ba83614cc8d6140105a42642dc8391d6f2f8...`_

  - [Twitter](//
    - `TWITTER_KEY`: _`lkfAc16oTJcbR766zw8GDw...`_
    - `TWITTER_SECRET`: _`NT7WOYKnZplMYQeJ8GjeXHup9sPk5WbR1WZFritdnARP5x7...`_

  - [Facebook](//
    - `FACEBOOK_KEY`: _`559887567744...`_
    - `FACEBOOK_SECRET`: _`445a594f443e2f1bcd3025f99e693...`_

  - [AWS](//
    - `AWS_S3_REGION`: _`us-east-1`_
    - `AWS_S3_BUCKET`: _`name`_
    - `AWS_S3_FQDN`: _`//localhost`_
    - `ASSETS_DIRECTORY`: _`/development/assets`_

  - [Stripe](//
    - `STRIPE_KEY`: _`pk_test_4TYeurr4kT16D6KedSAlT...`_
    - `STRIPE_SECRET`: _`sk_test_4TYeUPbdKFGeJUXBVJFoI...`_

## Contributing
This project's git flow is based on [A successful Git branching model](

1. Find or Submit Bounty
2. Make a Feature Branch from `develop`
  - Name it based on bounty: `18-init-project`
3. Make Changes
  - Use micro commits
  - Use the imperative, present tense: "change", not "changed" or "changes".
4. Write tests
  - Will not accept PRs that reduce coverage
5. Open PR back into develop
  - Make PR Description links to the Bounty and add a comment to the Bounty linking the PR
  - Add accompanying images for UI changes