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from __future__ import annotations

import sys
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from import Callable
from inspect import signature
from typing import Any, Generic, TypeVar

from asphalt.core import qualified_name

from .marshalling import default_marshaller, default_unmarshaller

if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
    from typing import TypeAlias
    from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

T_Serializer = TypeVar("T_Serializer", bound="CustomizableSerializer")
T_Type = TypeVar("T_Type")
MarshallCallback: TypeAlias = "Callable[[Any], Any]"
UnmarshallCallback: TypeAlias = "Callable[[Any, Any], None] | Callable[[Any], Any]"

class Serializer(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    This abstract class defines the serializer API.

    Each serializer is required to support the serialization of the following Python
    types, at minimum:

    * :class:`str`
    * :class:`int`
    * :class:`float`
    * :class:`list`
    * :class:`dict` (with ``str`` keys)

    A subclass may support a wider range of types, along with hooks to provide
    serialization support for custom types.

    __slots__ = ()

    def serialize(self, obj: Any) -> bytes:
        """Serialize a Python object into bytes."""

    def deserialize(self, payload: bytes) -> Any:
        """Deserialize bytes into a Python object."""

    def mimetype(self) -> str:
        """Return the MIME type for this serialization format."""

class CustomizableSerializer(Serializer):
    This abstract class defines an interface for registering custom types on a
    serializer so that the serializer can be extended to (de)serialize a broader array
    of classes.

    :ivar marshallers: a mapping of class -> (typename, marshaller callback)
    :vartype marshallers: Dict[str, Callable]
    :ivar unmarshallers: a mapping of class -> (typename, unmarshaller callback)
    :vartype unmarshallers: Dict[str, Callable]

    __slots__ = ("custom_type_codec", "marshallers", "unmarshallers")

    def __init__(self: T_Serializer, custom_type_codec: CustomTypeCodec[T_Serializer]):
        self.custom_type_codec: CustomTypeCodec[T_Serializer] = custom_type_codec
        self.marshallers: dict[type, tuple[str, MarshallCallback, bool]] = {}
        self.unmarshallers: dict[
            str, tuple[type[object] | None, UnmarshallCallback]
        ] = {}

    def register_custom_type(
        self: T_Serializer,
        cls: type,
        marshaller: MarshallCallback | None = default_marshaller,
        unmarshaller: UnmarshallCallback | None = default_unmarshaller,
        typename: str | None = None,
        wrap_state: bool = True,
    ) -> None:
        Register a marshaller and/or unmarshaller for the given class.

        The state object returned by the marshaller and passed to the unmarshaller can
        be any serializable type. Usually a dictionary mapping of attribute names to
        values is used.

        .. warning:: Registering marshallers/unmarshallers for any custom type will
            override any serializer specific encoding/decoding hooks (respectively)
            already in place!

        :param cls: the class to register
        :param marshaller: a callable that takes the object to be marshalled as the
            argument and returns a state object
        :param unmarshaller: a callable that either:

            * takes an uninitialized instance of ``cls`` and its state object as
              arguments and restores the state of the object
            * takes a state object and returns a new instance of ``cls``
        :param typename: a unique identifier for the type (defaults to the
            ``module:varname`` reference to the class)
        :param wrap_state: ``True`` to wrap the marshalled state before serialization so
            that it can be recognized later for unmarshalling, ``False`` to serialize it
            as is

        typename = typename or qualified_name(cls)

        if marshaller:
            self.marshallers[cls] = typename, marshaller, wrap_state

        if unmarshaller and self.custom_type_codec is not None:
            target_cls: type | None = cls
            if len(signature(unmarshaller).parameters) == 1:
                target_cls = None

            self.unmarshallers[typename] = target_cls, unmarshaller

class CustomTypeCodec(Generic[T_Serializer]):
    """Interface for customizing how custom types are encoded and decoded."""

    def register_object_encoder_hook(self, serializer: T_Serializer) -> None:
        Register a custom encoder callback on the serializer.

        This callback would be called when the serializer encounters an object it cannot
        natively serialize. What the callback returns is specific to each serializer

        :param serializer: the serializer instance to use

    def register_object_decoder_hook(self, serializer: T_Serializer) -> None:
        Register a callback on the serializer for unmarshalling previously marshalled

        :param serializer: the serializer instance to use