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  <title>The Anchorman | Drop your anchor</title>

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      <div class="nav-wrapper"><a id="logo-container" href="#top" class="brand-logo">The Anchorman</a>
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    <h1 class="text_h center header cd-headline letters type">
      <span>I Love</span>
      <span class="cd-words-wrapper waiting">
          <b class="is-visible">waiting</b>
          <b>bowel anxiety</b>
          <b>to pinch a loaf</b>

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        <p id="toilet_state" class="z-depth-4 white-text toilet toilet-available center-align">We take our crap seriously.</p>

<!--Intro and features-->
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      <div  class="col s12">
        <h2 class="center header text_h2">Have you ever had to <span class="span_h2">wait 30+ minutes</span> to drop the anchor?
          This is incredible, but a lot of people suffer from it.

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        <div class="center promo promo-example">
          <i class="mdi-image-flash-on"></i>
          <h5 class="promo-caption">Stay calm</h5>
          <p class="light center">That feeling when the "turtle" is about to show its head from the shell... Relax and check if the toilet is available online.
            No need to humiliate yourself by going there and seeing that door closed again.</p>
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          <i class="mdi-social-group"></i>
          <h5 class="promo-caption">Get notified</h5>
          <p class="light center">Receive toilet availability notifications on your smart phone and computer in near real-time,
            so that you could run like hell before somebody else landed their butt on the "oval office".</p>
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          <i class="mdi-hardware-desktop-windows"></i>
          <h5 class="promo-caption">Enjoy privacy</h5>
          <p class="light center">Sit back and relax while you defecate: read a book, check your Twitter or Facebook - be creative.</p>

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        <h5>The project</h5>

          I'm using the revolutionary toilet occupancy monitoring technology:
          an advanced magnetic door sensor ($3) allows me to track the occupancy status of the toilet.

          This website is open source, so if you found a bug - go fix it yourself here:
          <a href="" class="white-text"></a>

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              <i class="small fa fa-linkedin-square white-text"></i> LinkedIn
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      Made by <a class="white-text" href="">Alex Kovshovik</a>. Thanks to <a class="white-text" href="">Joash Pereira</a>
      and <a class="white-text" href="">Materialize CSS.</a>

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<script src=""></script>

            (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

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  $(document).ready(function() {
    var url = 'http://' + window.location.hostname + ':3001';
    var socket = io(url);
    var lastData = null;
    var notificationEnabled = false;
    var notificationRequested = false;

    function updateToilet(data) {
      var now = new Date();
      var updatedAt = new Date(data.updated_at);
      var updatedTimeAgoWords = timeAgoInWords(updatedAt);
      var keepaliveAgoMilliseconds = now - new Date(data.last_keep_alive_at);

      var additionalOccupiedEmotion = ' :(';

      // Longer than 8 minutes.
      if (now - updatedAt > 480000) {
        additionalOccupiedEmotion = '. GEEZAZ! Light a match!'

      if (notificationEnabled && notificationRequested && lastData.state != 'available' && data.state == 'available') {
        var notification = new Notification('GO NOW! The toilet is AVAILABLE!');

        notificationRequested = false;

      if (keepaliveAgoMilliseconds > 65000) {
        $('#toilet_state').html('The toilet is <b>OFFLINE!</b> Blame <u>David G.</u>')
      } else if (data.state == 'available') {
        $('#toilet_state').html('<b>AVAILABLE</b> since ' + updatedTimeAgoWords + ' :)')
      } else {
        var occupiedPhrase = ' since ' + updatedTimeAgoWords + additionalOccupiedEmotion;

        if (notificationRequested) {
          occupiedPhrase = '. Notification requested'

        $('#toilet_state').html('<b>OCCUPIED</b>' + occupiedPhrase);

      lastData = data;

    function periodicUpdate() {

      setTimeout(periodicUpdate, 2000);

    // Get initial status of the toilet.
    $.getJSON("/toilets/1", updateToilet);

    // Listen to new toilet events.
    socket.on('toilet/1', function(json) {
      var data = JSON.parse(json);


    // Launch periodic toilet time update loop.
    setTimeout(periodicUpdate, 2000);

    // Check user's desktop notifications permissions.
    if ("Notification" in window) {
      if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
        notificationEnabled = true;
      } else if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') {
        Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) {
          if (permission === "granted") {
            notificationEnabled = true;

    if (notificationEnabled) {
      console.log('Notifications are enabled');

    // Wire the "notify me" button.
    $('#toilet_state').click(function() {
      notificationRequested = true;

