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Test Coverage
 * Utilities
 * Utility class and file.
 * @package WPLDP
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @author  Benoit Alessandroni
 * @license GNU/GPLv2
 * @since  2.0.0

namespace WpLdp;

if ( ! class_exists( '\WpLdp\Utils' ) ) {
     * Class Doc Comment
     * @category Class
     * @package WPLDP
     * @author    Benoit Alessandroni
     * @license GNU/GPLv2
    class Utils {
         * Gets the current field name, with retro-compatibility
         * with the older notation system.
         * @param  {type} $field The current field to process.
         * @return {type} $field_name The field name.
        public static function get_field_name( $field ) {
            $field_name = null;

            if ( isset( $field->name ) ) {
                $field_name = $field->name;
            } elseif ( isset( $field->{'data-property'} ) ) {
                $field_name = $field->{'data-property'};
            } elseif ( isset( $field->{'object-property'} ) ) {
                $field_name = $field->{'object-property'};

            return $field_name;

         * Gets the URI of the resource passed as parameter.
         * @param  {WP_Post} $resource The resource to process.
         * @return {string}  $resource_uri The current resource URI.
        public static function get_resource_uri( $resource ) {
            $resource_uri = null;
            if ( 'publish' === get_post_status( $resource->ID ) ) {
                $ldp_container = wp_get_post_terms( $resource->ID, 'ldp_container' )[0];
                $resource_uri = get_rest_url() . 'ldp/v1/' . $ldp_container->slug . '/' . $resource->post_name . '/';
            } else {
                $resource_uri = set_url_scheme( get_permalink( $resource_id ) );
                $resource_uri = apply_filters( 'preview_post_link', add_query_arg( 'preview', 'true', $resource_uri ), $resource_id );

            return $resource_uri;

         * Gets the list of fields associated with the current resource.
         * @param  {int} $resource_id The ID of the resource to process.
         * @return {array} $fields    The list of available fields.
        public static function get_resource_fields_list( $resource_id ) {
            $value = null;
            $fields = array();
            $values = get_the_terms( $resource_id, 'ldp_container' );
            if ( ! empty( $values ) && ! is_wp_error( $values ) ) {
                if ( empty( $values[0] ) ) {
                    $value = reset( $values );
                } else {
                    $value = $values[0];

                $term_meta = get_option( "ldp_container_$value->term_id" );
                $models_decoded = json_decode( $term_meta['ldp_model'] );
                $fields = $models_decoded->{$value->slug}->fields;

            return $fields;

    $utils = new Utils();