class GithubGameoff
class << self
def load_badges
(2012..2020).each do |year|
Object.const_set "GithubGameoffJudge#{year}", {
describe "Github Gameoff Judge",
skill: 'game development',
description: "Was a judge in the Github Gameoff #{year} building a game based on git concepts of forking, branching, etc",
for: "judging the Github Gameoff #{year} building a game based on git concepts of forking, branching, etc",
image_name: "github-gameoff-judge-#{year}.png",
url: ""
Object.const_set "GithubGameoffWinner#{year}", {
describe "Github Gameoff Participant",
skill: 'game development',
description: "Won the Github Gameoff #{year} building a game based on git concepts of forking, branching, etc",
for: "winning the Github Gameoff #{year} building a game based on git concepts of forking, branching, etc",
image_name: "github-gameoff-winner-#{year}.png",
url: ""
Object.const_set "GithubGameoffRunnerUp#{year}", {
describe "Github Gameoff Runner Up",
skill: 'game development',
description: "Was runner up in the Github Gameoff #{year} building a game based on git concepts of forking, branching, etc",
for: "being the runner up in the Github Gameoff #{year} building a game based on git concepts of forking, branching, etc",
image_name: "github-gameoff-runner-up-#{year}.png",
url: ""
Object.const_set "GithubGameoffHonorableMention#{year}", {
describe "Github Gameoff Honorable Mention",
skill: 'game development',
description: "Was an honorable mention in the Github Gameoff #{year} building a game based on git concepts of forking, branching, etc",
for: "being noted an honorable mention in the Github Gameoff #{year} building a game based on git concepts of forking, branching, etc",
image_name: "github-gameoff-honorable-mention-#{year}.png",
url: ""
Object.const_set "GithubGameoffParticipant#{year}", {
describe "Github Gameoff Participant",
skill: 'game development',
description: "Participated in the Github Gameoff #{year} building a game based on git concepts of forking, branching, etc",
for: "participating in the Github Gameoff #{year} building a game based on git concepts of forking, branching, etc",
image_name: "github-gameoff-participant-#{year}.png",
url: ""