= content_for :footer_menu do
li=link_to 'Protips', by_tags_protips_path
= link_to 'Sign in', signin_path, class: 'sign-in'
= link_to nil , root_path, class: 'new-logo'
h1.mainline A community for developers to unlock & share new skills.
= render 'sessions/join_buttons'
h2 Share protips, learn from the community
p Learn from the experts about the latest languages, tools & technologies or share your own pro tip and get feedback from thousands of developers. Share code snippets, tutorials or thought pieces with your peers.
= image_tag('protip.jpg')
h2 Unlock & earn badges for your coding achievements
p Earn unique Coderwall badges to display on your user profile. Based on your github repositories, earn badges for all major language types, represent your skills, level-up.
= image_tag('badges2.jpg')
h2 Represent your team, curate its culture
p Discover over 6,000 brilliant engineering teams, how they're solving interesting challenges, and even find your next dream job. Curate your team's page by adding unique content, illustrating it's culture.
= image_tag('team.jpg')
h2.subline Start building your coderwall:
= render 'sessions/join_buttons'