=form_for [@team, @job] do |j|
=render "shared/error_messages", target: @job
=j.hidden_field :team_id
=j.label :name, 'Title of Position'
=j.text_field :name
=j.label :opportunity_type, 'Type of position' :opportunity_type, Opportunity::OPPORTUNITY_TYPES, selected: "full-time"
=j.label :description, 'Description about this role (Markdown formatting supported)'
=j.text_area :description
=j.label :tag_list, 'Primary skills the person will use. (comma separated)'
=j.text_field :tag_list, value: params[:tag_list] || @job.tag_list.join(",")
-if @team.locations.any?
=j.label :location do
== Select one or more locations where the candidate must be located or #{link_to('add/manage team locations', teamname_edit_path(slug: @team.slug, anchor: "locations"))}, @team.cities+["anywhere"], {selected: (@job.location.blank? ? [] : @job.location.split("|"))}, {multiple: true})
=j.label :location, 'Specify the city/location where the candidate must be located'
=j.text_field :location
=j.label :remote do
=j.check_box :remote
Allow remote
=j.label :link, 'Link to full job posting on your career site (ex:'
=j.text_field :link
=j.label :max_salary, "Maximum compensation/salary (remains private)"
=j.text_field :salary
=j.label 'Apply through'
=j.label :apply do
==Coderwall #{link_to 'learn more', faq_path(:anchor => 'apply'), :target => :new}
=j.radio_button :apply, true
= "Applicants mailed to #{}'s admins emails"
=j.label "#{}'s website"
=j.radio_button :apply, false
=j.submit 'Save'
=link_to('Cancel', :back)