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Test Coverage
- reset_protip_result_index
- show_job = defined?(opportunity) && opportunity.present?
- width = (defined?(width) && width) || 4
- show_ad_every = width * 2 + width - 2
- items = show_job ? protips.each_slice(show_ad_every).map{ |row| row.count == show_ad_every ? row.concat(['show-ad', nil]) : row }.flatten : protips

- logger.debug("Grid receiving type: #{collection.class}")
- if collection.respond_to?(:failure?) && collection.failure?
    = "#{collection.error} Meanwhile you can "
    = link_to 'create a pro tip', new_protip_path
    = "about #{@topic}" unless @topic.nil?

- items.in_groups_of(width, nil).each_with_index do |group, row|
  - if (row > 0) && blur_protips?
      = render(partial: 'sessions/join_buttons', locals: { message: 'Join to start earning badges for your open source contributions, discover protips and connect with other developers' })
    - break
    - group.each do |protip|
      = render 'grid_item', protip: protip, mode: mode

- unless collection.nil? || !collection.respond_to?(:next_page) || collection.next_page.nil? || hide_more
  - next_url = url_for(params.merge(tags: params[:tags], q: params[:q], source: params[:action], controller:params[:controller], page: collection.current_page + 1, section: (defined?(section) ? section : nil), width: width, mode: mode ))
  %div{ class: ("#{number_to_word(width)}-cols-more" unless width.nil?) }
    #more= link_to('More', next_url, class: 'final-more track', rel: 'next', remote: true, method: (params[:action] == 'search' ? :post : :get), 'data-action' => 'more protips', 'data-from' => params[:action])