%h1.editing= protip_editing_text
= simple_form_for @protip, url: create_or_update_url(@protip) do |p|
#dropzone.tip-content.edit.front.side{'data-picture-upload-path' => user_pictures_path(current_user) }
=file_field_tag 'dragupload[]', multiple: 'multiple', class: "safari5-upload-hack", id: "alternate_upload"
= p.input :title, placeholder: "Title", label: false, input_html: {autocomplete: :off}
= p.input :body, placeholder: "Share link(s), text, code, or images", label: false, as: :text
%h4.formatting-tips Formatting tips
%strong bold
%i italicize words
indent 4 spaces for code
Drag & drop image in content area above to upload
%li.full-list=link_to("Markdown Cheat Sheet", "", target: "_blank")
%li.full-list=link_to('How to write a great pro tip', '', target: "_blank")
= p.input :topic_list, label: false, input_html: {class: "tags cf", value: @protip.topic_list.join(","), id: "protip_tags", :autocomplete=>'off'}
= p.button :submit, 'Preview or cmd +', class: "preview-button"
= p.submit 'Save & Publish', class: "save-and-publish",id: "protip-save-and-publish-button"