-content_for :page_title do
=sanitize(protip.title){itemscope: true, itemtype: meta_article_schema_url}
%meta{itemprop: :dateCreated, content: protip.created_at}{class: mode}
%a.avatar{ href: profile_path(protip.user.username), 'data-action' => 'view user profile', 'data-from' => 'protip author avatar on top', 'data-properties' => { 'mode' => mode }.to_json }
= image_tag(users_image_path(protip.user), class: 'avatar')
%li.user{itemprop: :author, itemscope: true ,itemtype: meta_person_schema_url}
%meta{itemprop: :name, content: protip.user.display_name}
%meta{itemprop: :alternateName, content: protip.user.username}
%a.track{ href: profile_path(protip.user.username), 'data-action' => 'view user profile', 'data-from' => 'protip author name on top', 'data-properties' => { 'mode' => mode }.to_json }
= protip.user.display_name
- unless
%a.track{ href: teamname_path(, 'data-action' => 'view team', 'data-from' => 'protip author teamname on top', 'data-properties' => { 'mode' => mode }.to_json }
= protip.user.about
%li.username{ href: profile_path(protip.user.username), 'data-action' => 'view user profile', 'data-from' => 'protip author name(follow)', 'data-properties' => { 'mode' => mode }.to_json }
= protip.user.username
= link_to '', follow_user_path(protip.user.username), class: "follow", remote: true, method: :post, rel: 'nofollow', :'data-follow-type' => 'Users', :'data-value' => "#{ protip.user.username }"
- unless
%li.teamname{ href: teamname_path(, 'data-action' => 'view team', 'data-from' => 'protip teamname(follow)', 'data-properties' => { 'mode' => mode }.to_json }
= link_to '', follow_team_path(, class: "follow", remote: true, method: :post, rel: "nofollow", :'data-follow-type' => 'Teams', :'data-value' => "#{ }"
- unless protip.networks.blank?
%h3 Networks
- protip_networks(protip).each do |name|
- slug = name.parameterize
%li{ style: "border-color:##{ color_signature(slug) }" }{ href: network_path(id: slug) }= name
- followed = current_user.try(:member_of?, Network.find_by_slug(slug))
= link_to '', followed ? leave_network_path(id: slug) : join_network_path(id: slug), class: followed ? "follow followed #{ slug }" : "follow #{ slug }", remote: true, method: :post, rel: "nofollow", :'data-follow-type' => 'Networks', :'data-value' => "#{ slug }"
- unless mode == 'preview'
- if protip_owner?(protip, current_user) || is_admin?
= link_to 'Edit protip', edit_protip_path(protip.public_id), class: 'edit', rel: 'nofollow'
= link_to('Delete protip ', protip_path(protip.public_id), method: :delete, class: 'delete-tip del', rel: 'nofollow', title: 'remove protip', confirm: "Are you sure you permanently want to remove this pro tip?")
- if is_admin?
= link_to '', flag_protip_path(protip), method: :post, remote: true, class: (protip.flagged? ? 'flagged' : "") + " flag"
= link_to '', feature_protip_path(protip), method: :post, remote: true, class: (protip.featured? ? 'featured' : "") + " feature"
= protip_reviewer(protip)
- else
= link_to '', report_inappropriate_protip_path(protip), method: :post, remote: true, class: (cookies["report_inappropriate-#{ protip.public_id }"] ? 'user-flagged' : '') + ' user-flag'
-if defined?(:job) && !job.nil?
= render partial: "sidebar_featured_team", locals: { job: job, mode: mode, protip: protip }
%article.tip-panel{ id: protip.public_id }
= share_on_twitter(protip, 'share-this-tip direction')
= upvote_link(protip, 'upvote')
%h1.tip-title{itemprop: :headline}
-if mode == 'popup'
%a.track{href: protip_path(protip), 'data-action' => 'view protip', 'data-from' => 'popup protip title'}=sanitize(protip.title)
= sanitize(protip.title)
- if is_admin? || protip_owner?(protip, current_user) || protip.total_views > 100
= protip.total_views
views{itemprop: :keywords}
- protip.topic_list.each do |tag|
= link_to tag, protips_path(search: tag.parameterize)
- if is_admin?
= link_to 'delete', delete_tag_protip_path(protip.public_id, CGI.escape(tag)), method: :post, class: "delete"{ title: 'Publish time' }
%i.fa.fa-clock-o{ itemprop: 'datePublished' }
= local_time_ago(protip.created_at)
- if is_admin?
%li= link_to 'flag', flag_protip_path(protip), method: :post, remote: true, class: (protip.flagged? ? 'flagged' : '') + ' flag'
%li= link_to 'feature', feature_protip_path(protip), method: :post, remote: true, class: (protip.featured? ? 'featured' : '') + ' feature'
%li= link_to('delete', protip_path(protip.public_id), method: :delete, class: 'delete-tip del', rel: 'nofollow', title: 'remove protip', confirm: "Are you sure you permanently want to remove this pro tip?")
%div.tip-content{itemprop: :articleBody}
= raw sanitize(protip.to_html)
= render('protip_comments', comments: protip.comments.showable) if include_comments
- if defined?(:job) && !job.nil?
- adjective = ['is amazing', 'is awesome', 'has a great engineering team'].sample
= link_to teamname_path(, class: 'team-box', 'data-action' => 'view team jobs', 'data-from' => 'job on protip', 'data-properties' => { "author's team" => protip.user.belongs_to_team?(, 'adjective' => adjective, 'mode' => mode }.to_json do
= image_tag(featured_team_banner(
= image_tag(
== Calling all #{ job.title.pluralize }. #{ } #{ adjective } and is hiring!