- # Locals params
- # @param job [ Opportunity ] - job needed to render this partial
- # @param protip [ Protip ] - protip page this job is being rendered on
- # @param mode [ String ] - page mode
team =
adjective = ["is amazing", "is awesome", "has a great engineering team"].sample
team_has_featured_banner = team.featured_banner_image.present?
team_has_big_image = team.big_image.present?
team_has_custom_image = (team_has_featured_banner || team_has_big_image) ? true : false
banner_image = if team_has_featured_banner then team.featured_banner_image
elsif team_has_big_image then team.big_image
else default_featured_job_banner
-# .featured-team{class: team_has_custom_image ? "custom-image" : "default-image"}
-# %h3 Featured team
-# =link_to teamname_path(team.slug), class: 'team-box', 'data-action' => 'view team jobs', 'data-from' => 'job on protip', 'data-properties' => {"author's team" => protip.user.belongs_to_team?(team), 'adjective' => adjective, 'mode' => mode}.to_json do
-# .image-top
-# =image_tag(banner_image)
-# .content
-# .avatar
-# =image_tag(team.avatar_url)
-# %h4=
-# %p
-# ==Calling all #{job.title.pluralize}. #{} #{adjective} and is hiring!
-# %a.feature-jobs.track{href: employers_path, 'data-action' => 'upgrade team', 'data-from' => 'protip page'}
-# feature your jobs here
-# %pm:widget{"max-item-count" => "4", "show-thumbs" => "false", title: "Recommended", width: "244"}