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Test Coverage
- content_for :content_wrapper do

- content_for :head do
  = stylesheet_link_tag 'protip'

- content_for :footer_menu do
  %li= link_to 'Protips', by_tags_protips_path

- unless signed_in?
          A community for developers to unlock and share new skills, join us
        = render partial: "sessions/join_buttons"

          %h2 Earn achievements
          %p Unlock unique badges for your open-source contributions
          %h2 Make connections
          %p Connect with your peers from around the world
          %h2 Share protips
          %p Learn from experts or share your own tips, tricks and best practices
          %h2 Represent your team
          %p Gather your team mates from work to establish your team's geek cred

- else
  #upvoted-protips{'data-protips' => @upvoted_protips_public_ids}

  //following on
  .filter-bar#x-scopes-bar{class: display_scopes_class}
        -if signed_in?
            = link_to "Fresh", fresh_protips_path(scope: params[:scope]), class: selected_search_context_class("fresh"), id: "x-scope-fresh"
          = link_to "Trending", trending_protips_path(scope: params[:scope]), class: selected_search_context_class("trending"), id: "x-scope-trending"
          = link_to "Popular", popular_protips_path(scope: params[:scope]), class: selected_search_context_class("popular"), id: "x-scope-popular"
        -if signed_in?
            = link_to "Liked", liked_protips_path(scope: params[:scope]), class: selected_search_context_class("liked"), id: "x-scope-liked"

      - if signed_in?
            %a.action.share-tip{href: new_protip_path, class: "track", 'data-action' => 'create protip', 'data-from' => 'homepage', 'data-properties' => {'context' => @context}.to_json}

  //search bar{class: display_search_class}{href: search_protips_path}
        %input{name: "search", type: "text", placeholder: "Type here to search, for example: Ruby on Rails", value: params[:search]}

{href: '/'}

  -if signed_in?
    -cache(followings_fragment_cache_key(, expires_in: 15.minutes) do
          %h1 Following

            %h2 Connections
              - following_users = current_user.following_users
              #x-following-users.hide{'data-users' =>}

              - following_users.limit(11).each do |user|
                  = link_to '', follow_user_path(user.username), class: 'unfollow followed', remote: true, method: :post, rel: 'nofollow'
                      %a{href: profile_path(user.username)}= user.username
                    -if user.on_team?
                        %a{href: friendly_team_path(}=

                      %a{href: profile_path(user.username)}
                        = image_tag(user.avatar_url)
                    -if user.on_team?
                        %a{href: friendly_team_path(}
                          = image_tag(

              - if following_users.count > 11
                  %a{href: following_path(current_user.username)}

                      = following_users.count - 11

            %h2 teams
              - following_teams = current_user.teams_being_followed
              #x-following-teams.hide{'data-teams' =>}

              - following_teams.first(11).each do |team|
                  = link_to '', follow_team_path(team.slug), class: "unfollow followed", remote: true, method: :post, rel: "nofollow"
                      %a{href: friendly_team_path(team)}=
                    - team_protips_count = team.trending_protips(1000).count
                    - if team_protips_count > 0
                        %a{href: team_protips_path(team)}== #{team_protips_count} Protips

                      %a{href: friendly_team_path(team)}
                        = image_tag(team.avatar_url)
              - if following_teams.count > 11
                  %a{href: teams_path}

                      = following_teams.count - 11
    -unless @suggested_networks.blank?
          %h2 Suggested networks to follow

            - @suggested_networks.each do |name|
              - slug = name.parameterize
              %li{style: "border-color:##{color_signature(slug)}"}
                = link_to '', join_network_path(id: slug), class: "follow #{slug} #{signed_in? && current_user.following_networks.exists?(slug: slug) ? "followed" : ""}", remote: true, method: :post, rel: "nofollow"
      {href: network_path(id: slug)}
                  = name

    - if @protips && @protips.count == 0
        %h1 No results
        %p You are not following anything yet. Follow people, teams or networks to see protips from them here. boom.
    - else
      = render partial: 'protips/grid', locals: { protips: @protips.respond_to?(:results) ? @protips.results : @protips, collection: @protips, url: :protips_path, hide_more: blur_protips?, width: 4, mode: protip_display_mode, opportunity: @job }