= content_for :content_wrapper do
= render partial: "head", locals: {topic: Protip::USER_SCOPE}
- if signed_in?
%h2 My Protips
- if current_user.protips.any?
- authored_protips = current_user.authored_protips(12)
= render partial: "grid", locals: {protips: authored_protips.try(:results), collection: authored_protips, url: :protips_path, hide_more: false, section: "author", mode: 'popup'}
- else
You don't have any protips. Share your expertise, interesting websites, articles and images by
= link_to 'creating a protip', new_protip_path
%h2 Bookmarked / Upvoted Protips
- if current_user.bookmarked_protips.any?
- bookmarks = current_user.bookmarked_protips(12)
= render partial: "grid", locals: {protips: bookmarks.try(:results), collection: bookmarks, url: :protips_path, hide_more: false, section: "bookmark", mode: 'popup'}
- else
You haven't bookmarked any protips. Browse
= link_to 'trending protips', protips_path