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Test Coverage
= render(partial: 'head', locals: { topic: @topic })

    - if @topic_user
      - if @topic_user && signed_in? && @topic_user == current_user
        These are your links, code snippets, posts and other pro tips you have created or upvoted. Have a quick pro tip to
        = link_to('share?', new_protip_path, 'data-action' => 'create protip', 'data-from' => 'own protips page')
        = link_to('learn more', faq_path, class: 'track', 'data-action' => 'view faq', 'data-from' => 'own protips page')
        - if @topic_user.protips.reject(&:created_automagically?).count == 0
          %br Pro tips you currently see here are created automagically from repos you follow/consider useful or slideshares you've created
      - else
        == These are the links, code snippets, posts, and other pro tips #{@topic_user.display_name} has created. Have your own to
        = link_to('share?', new_protip_path, 'data-action' => 'create protip', 'data-from' => 'user protips page')
        = link_to('learn more', faq_path, class: 'track', 'data-action' => 'view faq', 'data-from' => 'user protips page')
    - elsif signed_in?
      %p= link_to('Share', new_protip_path(topics: @topic), 'data-action' => 'create protip', 'data-from' => 'user protips page') + " a link, code snippet, post or other pro tip about #{@topic}"
    - else
      = link_to('Sign in', root_path)
      == to start sharing your #{@topic} pro tips or
      = link_to('learn more', faq_path, class: 'track', 'data-action' => 'view faq', 'data-from' => 'user protips page')

#browse-results= render(partial: 'grid', locals: { protips: protip_search_results_to_render(@protips), collection: @protips, url: :tagged_protips_path, hide_more: false, mode: 'popup' })