app/views/teams/_big_quote.html.haml{:class => section_enabled_class(@team.has_big_quote?)}
-if !@team.has_big_quote?
-inactive_box('#big-quote', "Accomplishments & Collaboration") do
Share an interesting or inspirational quote from your team
-if can_edit?
-panel_form_for_section('#big-quote', 'Accomplishments & Collaboration') do |f|
-admin_hint do
Quotes from a team member about an accomplishment of the team and a personal photos of individuals or team members collaborating.
-if @team.premium?
You can also add a video (i.e. youtube/vimeo URL) about your team or products
=f.label :big_quote, 'Quote'
=f.text_area :big_quote
=f.hidden_field :big_image
=image_tag(@team.big_image) unless @team.big_image.blank?
=link_to('Choose Photo','#',:class=>'photo-chooser','data-input'=>'team_big_image','data-fit-w'=>961, 'data-fit-h'=>477)
=f.label :video, 'Video'
=f.text_field :youtube_url