app/views/teams/_challenges.html.haml{:class => section_enabled_class(@team.has_challenges?)}
-if !@team.has_challenges?
-inactive_box('#challenges', "Challenges & Impact") do
Highlight interesting engineering or product challenges and the impact the right candidate will have.
-if can_edit?
-panel_form_for_section('#challenges', 'Challenges & Impact') do |f|
-admin_hint do
This is a great way to excite the developer about the things they'll learn and how they'll be challenged.
=f.label :our_challenge, 'What is the biggest challenge the team is working on?'
=f.text_area :our_challenge
=f.label :your_impact, 'What impact would the individual have on the team or product?'
=f.text_area :your_impact
.box{:class => has_impact?(@team) ? 'half' : 'full'}
.icon{:style => "background-color:#{@team.branding_hex_color}"}
%h3 Our challenge
-if has_impact?(@team)
.icon.blub{:style => "background-color:#{@team.branding_hex_color}"}
%h3 Your impact