-job ||= default_job
%article.job-panel{:class => section_enabled_class(@team.has_open_positions?)}
-if !@team.has_open_positions?
-inactive_box('#jobs', "Current Opportunities") do
-if can_edit?
-panel_form_for_section('#jobs', 'What open positions do you currently have?') do |f|
-admin_hint do
Up to the latest four active positions will appear on your team profile.
=hidden_field_tag :job_id, (params[:job_id] || job.try(:public_id))
=f.label :featured_banner_image, 'Banner photo to appear on featured page'
=f.hidden_field :featured_banner_image
=link_to('Choose Photo','#',:class=>'photo-chooser','data-input'=>'team_featured_banner_image','data-fit-w'=>961, 'data-fit-h'=>477)
=f.label :hiring_tagline, 'How are you changing the world? (tagline)'
=f.text_area :hiring_tagline
-if current_user.admin?
=f.label :link_to_careers_page
=f.text_field :link_to_careers_page
=link_to 'Add new position', new_team_opportunity_path(@team), :class => 'add-new-position'
-if @team.all_jobs.any?
-@team.all_jobs.each_with_index do |job, index|
%li.number= (index+1).ordinalize
%li.title== #{job.title} (#{job.opportunity_type})
added on
= job.created_at.strftime('%m/%d/%y %I:%M%p')
%li.edit= link_to 'edit', edit_team_opportunity_path(@team, job)
- activation = activate_or_deactivate(job)
%li.deactivate= link_to '', send("#{activation}_team_opportunity_path",@team, job), :remote => true, :class => job_activation_css(job)
-unless job.nil?
= job.title
= job.opportunity_type
= sanitize(job.to_html)
- unless @other_jobs.blank?
==Other opportunities at #{}
- @other_jobs.each do |opportunity|
%a{href: job_path(slug:, job_id: opportunity.public_id), 'data-action' => 'view job', 'data-from' => 'team page', 'data-properties' => {team:, public_id: opportunity.public_id}.to_json}
= opportunity.title
-if job.accepts_applications?
-if signed_in?
=link_to('', '#apply', class: 'track apply record-exit', 'data-opportunity-visit-path' => job_visited(job), 'data-target-type' => 'job-opportunity', 'data-action' => 'view job application', 'data-from' => 'job on team page')
- if already_applied = current_user.already_applied_for?(job)
= link_to '', "#already-applied", class: "track btn send #{application_status_css(job)}"
- else
- if current_user.has_resume?
%p.status Upload your resume and click send to apply privately
= link_to current_user.resume_url[current_user.resume_url.rindex('/')+1..-1], current_user.resume_url, :target => "_blank"
= link_to 'change', change_resume_path, class: 'change'
- else
%p.status Upload your resume and click send to apply privately
- # Find javascript for resume auto upload in #registerApplication
= form_tag resume_uploads_url, html: {multipart: true, class: "resume"} do
= file_field_tag :resume, :class => 'track btn upload', 'data-action' => 'upload resume', 'data-from' => 'job application'
= hidden_field_tag :user_id,
- disabled_class = already_applied ? "disabled" : ""
= link_to('', apply_url(job), method: :post, class: " #{disabled_class} track btn send #{application_status_css(job)}", 'data-action' => 'apply for job', 'data-from' => 'job on team page')
=link_to('', signin_path(return_to: team_job_path(, class: 'track apply noauth record-exit', 'data-opportunity-visit-path' => job_visited(job), 'data-target-type' => 'job-opportunity', 'data-action' => 'view job application', 'data-from' => 'job on team page')
- else
=link_to('Learn More',, target: :new, class: 'track record-exit learn-more', 'data-opportunity-visit-path' => job_visited(job), 'data-target-type' => 'job-opportunity', 'data-action' => 'view external job', 'data-from' => 'job on teams page (learn more)')
-job.tags.each do |tag|
-job.locations.each do |location|
%li= location
%a.other-jobs{href: jobs_path}
View other amazing jobs
%p== Learn more about #{}