%section.location#locations{:class => section_enabled_class(@team.has_locations?)}
- if !@team.has_locations?
- inactive_box('#locations', "Office Locations") do
= nil
- if can_edit?
- panel_form_for_section('#locations', 'Where do you have offices?') do |f|
- admin_hint do
Specify points of interest (e.g. restaurants, bars, public transportation) and other amenities and highlights for each office location
.add-map-location= link_to_add_fields('Add new location', f, :locations)
-if @team.has_locations?
= f.fields_for :locations do |fields|
= fields.label :name, 'Location Name'
= fields.text_field :name
= fields.label :description, 'Highlights for this office location'
= fields.text_area :description
= fields.label :address, 'Full street address of this office location'
= fields.text_field :address
= fields.label :_destroy, "Remove Location"
= fields.check_box :_destroy
%h3= @team.primary_address_name
%p.address= @team.primary_address
%p.description= @team.primary_address_description
- @team.primary_points_of_interest.each do |point|
%li= point
-if @team.locations.size > 1
- @team.locations.each do |location|
%a.mapLocation{:href => '#position'}
.address.hide= location.address ||
.description.hide= location.description
- location.points_of_interest.each do |point|
%li= point