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# cat=basic/config; type=string; label=Base URL for TinyURLs: Overrides the value of the TYPO3_SITE_URL placeholder (by default read from GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv())
baseUrl =

# cat=basic/config; type=boolean; label=Use Site Base as Base URL: If enabled the Base of the detected Site overrides the value of the TYPO3_SITE_URL placeholder.
baseUrlFromSiteBase = 0

# cat=basic/config; type=boolean; label=Create speaking URLs: If enable the tiny URL will be generated depending on the speakingUrlTemplate. Hint! If you enable this you might need to add a rewrite rule to you webserver!
createSpeakingURLs = 0

# cat=basic/config; type=string; label=Speaking url template: The template that is used for creating a speaking URL (only relevant if createSpeakingURLs is set to 1). You can use all available keys for t3lib_div::getIndpEnv() as template markers (e.g. ###TYPO3_SITE_URL### and the ###TINY_URL_KEY### template marker will be replaced with the shortened URL key
speakingUrlTemplate = ###TYPO3_SITE_URL###tinyurl/###TINY_URL_KEY###

# cat=basic/config; type=string; label=base62 dictionary: Dictionary for creating base 62 based integers (see, use random string to increase security (e.g.
base62Dictionary = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789

# cat=basic/config; type=string; label=Minimal random key length: The minimum length that the random part of the tiny URL must have
minimalRandomKeyLength = 2

# cat=basic/config; type=string; label=Minimal tiny URL key length: The minimum length that the whole tiny URL key must have
minimalTinyurlKeyLength = 8

# cat=basic/config; type=string; label=URL record storage PID: The PID where the tiny URL records are stored, use 0 to store them in the TYPO3 root
urlRecordStoragePID = 0