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Test Coverage
title: "0.2.0"
date: "2016-10-16"
slug: "0-2-0"

    parent: "release-notes"
    identifier: 0.2.0
    weight: -020

## Release Date


## Features

- Set environments for shell commands
- Support for Docker Containers and Images
- Support for creating & deleting unix users and groups
- RPC using
- Expose basic platform information via the platform module

## Bug Fixes

This releases fixes several race condition (#266) and ordering (#254) bugs that would cause Converge to error out of otherwise valid executions.

If you've been trying to use boolean values in your params, you're in luck. That works now! (#251)

Internally, beta 2 simplifies how `check` and `apply` interact (#240) and shrinks the Status interface (#237). Documentation for module authors will be updated by the final release of Converge 0.2.0.

Lastly, logging was quite a bit too chatty about the stages Converge goes through when loading and executing a graph. This release scales logging back a bit (#248).

## Examples

We have new examples for Docker Swarm mode (#267) and the ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) stack (#272). They're located in the `examples/` directory of the source, and are intended to be standalone end-to-end examples.

## Linting

We started using Code Climate for linting in this release. We have a 4.0 (such good students.) You can [view our score using Code Climate's web interface]( or by clicking the badge in the README.

## Support

We provide support via [the Converge Slack team]( and through [GitHub issues](