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Test Coverage
title: "0.6.0"
date: "2017-03-02"
slug: "0-6-0"

    parent: "release-notes"
    identifier: 0.6.0
    weight: -060


## Release Date

2017-03-02 0.6.0

## Supported Platforms

With this release, Converge no longer supports freebsd and solaris.

## Features

This release includes new systemd and unarchive capabilities, improvements to the user resource, and generators for man pages and bash autocomplete.

### Module Improvements

#### Systemd

Support for controlling systemd services has been added via [\#602](

systemd.unit.state "ssh" {
  unit  = "ssh.service"
  state = "running"

#### Unarchive

Managing several archive formats such as `zip` and `tar.gz` is available through unarchive support in [\#592](

unarchive "" {
  source      = "/tmp/"
  destination = "/tmp/consul"

#### User

A user can now be enabled or disabled with the addition of [\#581](

Additionally, there are updates to the diffs presented for user with [\#584]( and [\#588](

### Usablilty Enhancements

#### Module Author Improvement

A new helper method has been added to for use with `resource.Status`. `RaiseLevelForDiffs` will raise the status level to `StatusWillChange` if any differences exist via [\#587](

#### Various Generators

Generators for man pages and bash autocompletion have been added via [\#571](

## Changelog

See the Converge [changelog]( for additional details on the 0.6.0 release.

## Support

We provide support via the Converge [Slack]( and through [GitHub Issues](