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keyoscacquire: Keysight oscilloscope acquire

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  :alt: Code Climate maintainability

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  :alt: License

keyoscacquire is a Python package for acquiring traces from Keysight
InfiniiVision oscilloscopes through a VISA interface.

Based on `PyVISA <>`_, keyoscacquire
provides programmes for acquiring and exporting traces to your choice of ASCII
format files (default csv) or numpy `npy <>`_,
and a png of the trace plot. The package also provides an API for integration
in other Python code.

By default, the package uses the binary ``WORD`` format for the waveform
transfer from the oscilloscope, giving roughly an order of magnitude speed-up
over the ``ASCII`` *transfer* type.

The code has been tested on Windows 7 and 10 with a Keysight DSO2024A model
using a USB connection.

.. documentation-marker


Available at ` <>`_.
A few examples below, but formatting and links are broken as this file is intended
for the documentation parser.

Building a local copy of the docs

.. start-local-copy-documentation-marker

Should you wish to build a local copy of the sphinx docs, make sure the
necessary packages are installed::

    pip install sphinx sphinx-prompt furo recommonmark

and then build by executing ``make html`` in the ``docs`` folder.

.. end-local-copy-documentation-marker


Install the package with pip::

  pip install keyoscacquire

or download locally and install with ``$ python install`` or
by running ``install.bat``.

.. API-use-marker

Python console/API

The Reference/API section (particularly :ref:`osc-class`) gives all the necessary
information about the API.

As an example of API usage/use in the Python console::

  >>> import keyoscacquire as koa
  >>> scope = koa.Oscilloscope(address='USB0::1234::1234::MY1234567::INSTR')
  Connected to:
     DSO-X 2024A (serial MY1234567)
  >>> scope.acq_type = 'AVER8'
  >>> print(scope.num_points)
  >>> time, y, channel_numbers = scope.get_trace(channels=[2, 1, 4])
  Acquisition type: AVER
  # of averages:    8
  From channels:    [1, 2, 4]
  Acquiring ('WORD').. done
  Points captured per channel: 7,680
  >>> print(channel_numbers)
  [1, 2, 4]
  >>> scope.save_trace(showplot=True)
  Saving trace to:  data.csv
  >>> scope.close()

where ``time`` is a vertical numpy (2D) array of time values and ``y`` is a numpy
array which columns contain the data from the active channels listed in
``channel_numbers``. The trace saved to ``data.csv`` also contains metadata
(can be further customised) in the first lines::

  # AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES,DSO-X 2024A,MY1234567,02.50.2019022736
  # AVER,8
  # 2020-12-21 03:13:18.184028
  # time,1,2,4

The trace can be easily loaded from disk to a Pandas dataframe with::

  >>> df, metadata = koa.fileio.load_trace("data")
  >>> df.head()
      time         1         2         4
  0 -0.005 -0.004853 -0.005248 -0.005248
  1 -0.005 -0.005406 -0.005017 -0.005248
  2 -0.005 -0.004964 -0.005190 -0.005248
  3 -0.005 -0.005185 -0.005363 -0.005248
  4 -0.005 -0.005517 -0.005074 -0.005248
  >>> metadata
  ['AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES,DSO-X 2024A,MY1234567,02.50.2019022736', 'AVER,8', '2020-12-21 03:13:18.184028', 'time,1,2,4']

Command line use

Capture the active channels on an oscilloscope connected with VISA address
from command prompt

.. prompt:: bash

  get_single_trace -v "USB0::1234::1234::MY1234567::INSTR"

The ``get_single_trace`` programme takes several other arguments too, see them with

.. prompt:: bash

  get_single_trace -h

If you need to find the VISA address of your oscilloscope, simply use the
command line programme ``list_visa_devices`` provided by this package

.. prompt:: bash


If you want to set a default VISA address (and other default options too),
run ``path_of_config`` to find the folder of the :mod:`keyoscacquire.config`
module, locate it and change the ``_visa_address`` variable to the VISA address
of your chosen default instrument.

The package installs the following command line programmes in the Python path

* ``list_visa_devices``: list the available VISA devices
* ``path_of_config``: find the path of :mod:`keyoscacquire.config`
  storing default options. Change this file to your choice of standard
  settings, see :ref:`default-options`.
* ``get_single_trace``: use with option ``-h`` for instructions
* ``get_num_traces``: get a set number of traces, use with
  option ``-h`` for instructions
* ``get_traces_single_connection``: get a trace each time enter is
  pressed, use with option ``-h`` for instructions

See more under :ref:`cli-programmes-short`.

.. contribute-marker

Contribute/report issues

Please report any issues with the package with the
`issue tracker on Github <>`_.

Contributions are welcome via
`Github <>`_.

The package is written and maintained by Andreas Svela.