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First do configuration;

    - Database
    - User session data storage
    - User table schema
    - Remember me

**Example configuration:**
    'fields' => [
        'identity' => ['username','email'], 
        'password' => 'password'
    'repository' => [
        'session'  => [
            'path'   => '/',
            'type'   => 'serialize',
            'name'      => 'SESSIONID',
            'prefix' => 'ses_',
            'crypt'     => false,
            'timeout'=> 1800
    'provider' => [
        'SessionHandlerInterface' => 'Glad\Driver\Repository\NativeSession\Session'
    'services' => [
        'db' => new \PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbName', username, password)
    'remember' => [
        'enabled'   => true,
        'cookieName'=> 'glad',
        'lifetime'  => (3600*5),
        'field'        => 'remember_token'
    'cost'   => 8,
    'secret' => '[key]'
###User table settings

Name     | Value
-------- | ---
idenity  | string/array
password | string

Should be some fields in the user table.

The first email or username field will be used when the user's input.

This field multi than one.

>At the same time in both the e-mail address when registering the user you may want to log in with a user name as well. 
You want at least one or both each in him to make an entry.

**Example define:**
'fields' => [
    'identity' => ['username','email'], 
    'password' => 'password'
###Database Adapter
The database is to use two different ways.

1. PDO driver
2. DatabaseAdapterInterface

####PDO Driver
The first way is to use the PDO driver. Instantiating PDO services also need to define your settings.

'services' => [
    'db' => new \PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=exampleDb', username, password)

Second way, can you use the adapter method.

> Some examples of existing frameworks for written about it. If you're using a framework in this package, you must browse to the absolute. [Demos](

Firstly, you should implement your class as DatabaseAdapterInterface. Then, integrate the methods which is in DatabaseAdapterInterface into database system which you want to use in the project.

Notice that 'return' of methods should be absolutely compatible with Glad Auth. Otherwise, you may come across with error. 

You see example using below.

**Example using:**

use Glad\Interfaces\DatabaseAdapterInterface;

class ExampleClass implements DatabaseAdapterInterface
     * Create new user
     * @var $credentials array
     * @return bool|int
    public function gladInsert(array $credentials)
        // your way...

     * Update user
     * @var $credentials array
     * @var $where array
     * @return bool
    public function gladUpdate(array $where, array $credentials)
        // your way...

     * Get user identity details by identity
     * @var $identity string
     * @return array
    public function getIdentity($identity)
        // your way...

     * Get user identity details by user id
     * @var $userId int
     * @return array
    public function getIdentityWithId($userId)
        // your way...
**Directory of Interface:**

**Interface preview:**

namespace Glad\Interfaces;

 * User model adapter interface
 * @author Ahmet ATAY
 * @category DatabaseAdapterInterface
 * @package Glad
 * @copyright 2015
 * @license MIT license
 * @link
interface DatabaseAdapterInterface {

     * Data insert
     * @param array $credentials
     * @return bool
    public function gladInsert(array $credentials);

     * Data update
     * @param array $where
     * @param array $newData
     * @param integer $limit
     * @return bool
    public function gladUpdate(array $where, array $credentials);

     * Get the user identity
     * @param array $identity
     * @return array
    public function getIdentity($identity);

     * Get the user identity with user id
     * @param mixed $userId
     * @return array
    public function getIdentityWithId($userId);
'services' => [
    'db' => new ExampleClass

###Remember Me
You can launch the Remember Me method which is irreplaceable of membership systems with some steps.

**You see the table about these steps below:**

Name       | Value               | Description
-----------| ------------------- |-------------
enabled    | true/false          | Determines the active/passive status
cookieName | string              | The cookie name that should be written session datas
lifetime   | timestamp integer   | Cookie lifetime
field      | string              | Field name that should be written key in user table

'remember' => [
    'enabled'   => true,
    'cookieName'=> 'glad',
    'lifetime'  => (3600*5),
    'field'        => 'remember_token'
User login passwords are encrypted for security. This encryption is made with **password_hash** function in php.

Being high of cost value may influence server performance. 

For more information about this subject: [password_hash](

Default cost: 5

'cost' => 5

Secret key is being used in many fields for security in encryption processes. You should create your own Secret Key.

'secret' => '_|()44?'

You can find the encryption architecture below table:

Name       | Value
-----------| ---
MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128    | Algorithm
MCRYPT_MODE_ECB | Encryption mode

Read more information: [PHP Mcrypt](

###Cookie Domain
If you are using sub domain you have to define this to parameter. If you are not using it just leave it empty.

'domain' => ''

###Session Repository
Mostly in PHP projects membership systems native session is used. In mid-class projects with this method job can be done. But in high demand systems the native session wouldn't be enough. 

In this kind of cases these are the methods can be given:

- Memcache
- Redis
- Mongo
- Database

Methods that comes with default in Glad Auth.
- PHP Native Session
- Memcache

For sure more methods are possible , with help of [Glad Provider]( you can use the method you prefer.

Let's check up by order the methods of default:

##PHP Session


Name       | Value               | Description
-----------| ------------------- | --------------
path       | string              | Directory of session storage
type       | string              | Data serialization type (default: **serialize**) 
name       | string              | Cookie name (default: **SESSIONID**)
timeout    | timestamp integer   | Session lifetime (default: **30 dk.**)
crypt      | boolean             | Encryption of Data (default: **false**)
prefix     | string              | Session file prefix (default: **ses_**)


Interface                         | Class
----------------------------------| --------------------------------------------
SessionHandlerInterface       | Glad\Driver\Repository\NativeSession\Session

**Serialization Types:**

Name       | Description
-----------| -------------
json       | encode/decode
serialize  | Php Serialize


'repository' => [
    'session'  => [
        'path'       => '/path/storage',
        'type'      => 'json',
        'name'      => 'PHPSESSID',
        'timeout' => 1800,
        'crypt'      => false,
        'prefix'  => 'ses_'
'provider' => ['SessionHandlerInterface' => 'Glad\Driver\Repository\NativeSession\Session']



Name       | Value              | Description
-----------| ------------------ | --------------------
host       | string             | Memcache server IP (default: ****)
port       | integer            | Memcache server port (default: **11211**)
name       | string             | Cookie name (default: **SESSIONID**)
timeout    | timestamp integer  | Session lifetime (default: **30 dk.**)
crypt      | boolean            | Encryption of Data (default: **false**)
prefix     | string             | Session key prefix (default: **ses_**)


Interface                         | Class
----------------------------------| --------------------------------------------
SessionHandlerInterface       | Glad\Driver\Repository\Memcache\Memcache


'repository' => [
    'memcache'  => [
        'host'      => '',
        'port'      => 11211,
        'timeout' => 1800,
        'prefix'  => 'ses_',
        'crypt'      => false,
        'name'      => 'PHPSESID'
'provider' => ['SessionHandlerInterface' => 'Glad\Driver\Repository\Memcache\Memcache']



Name       | Value               | Description
-----------| ------------------- | ------------------
host       | string             | Memcache server IP (default: ****)
port       | integer            | Memcache server port  (default: **11211**)
name       | string             | Cookie name (default: **SESSIONID**)
timeout    | timestamp integer  | Session lifetime (default: **30 dk.**)
crypt      | boolean            | Encryption of Data (default: **false**)
prefix     | string             | Session key prefix (default: **ses_**)


Interface                         | Class
----------------------------------| --------------------------------------------
SessionHandlerInterface       | Glad\Driver\Repository\Memcached\Memcached


'repository' => [
    'memcached'  => [
        'host'      => '',
        'port'      => 11211,
        'timeout' => 1800,
        'prefix'  => 'ses_',
        'crypt'      => false,
        'name'      => 'PHPSESID'
'provider' => ['SessionHandlerInterface' => 'Glad\Driver\Repository\Memcached\Memcached']