

Test Coverage
:::{php:namespace} Atk4\Core

# AppScope Trait

:::{php:trait} AppScopeTrait

## Introduction

Typical software design will create the application scope. Most frameworks
relies on "static" properties, methods and classes. This does puts some
limitations on your implementation (you can't have multiple applications).

App Scope will pass the 'app' property into all the object that you're adding,
so that you know for sure which application you work with.

## Properties

:::{php:attr} app
Always points to current Application object

:::{php:attr} maxNameLength
When using mechanism for ContainerTrait, they inherit name of the parent to
generate unique name for a child. In a framework it makes sense if you have
a unique identifiers for all the objects because this enables you to use
them as session keys, get arguments, etc.

Unfortunately if those keys become too long it may be a problem, so
ContainerTrait contains a mechanism for auto-shortening the name based
around maxNameLength. The mechanism does only work if AppScopeTrait is
used, $app property is set and has a maxNameLength defined.
Minimum value is 40.

:::{php:attr} uniqueNameHashes
As more names are shortened, the substituted part is being placed into
this hash and the value contains the new key. This helps to avoid creating
many sequential prefixes for the same character sequence.

## Methods
