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Test Coverage


namespace Atk4\Core;

 * A class with this trait will have setDefaults() method that can
 * be passed list of default properties.
 * $view->setDefaults(['ui' => 'segment']);
 * Typically you would want to do that inside your constructor. The
 * default handling of the properties is:
 *  - only apply properties that are defined
 *  - only set property if it's current value is null
 *  - ignore defaults that have null value
 *  - if existing property and default have array, then both arrays will be merged
 * Several classes may opt to extend setDefaults, for example in Agile UI
 * setDefaults is extended to support classes and content:
 * $segment->setDefaults(['Hello There', 'red', 'ui' => 'segment']);
 * WARNING: Do not use this trait unless you have a lot of properties
 * to inject. Also follow the guidelines on
 * Relying on this trait excessively may cause anger management issues to
 * some code reviewers.
trait DiContainerTrait
    use WarnDynamicPropertyTrait;

     * Call from __construct() to initialize the properties allowing
     * developer to pass Dependency Injector Container.
     * @param array<string, mixed> $properties
     * @param bool                 $passively  If true, existing non-null values will be kept
     * @return $this
    public function setDefaults(array $properties, bool $passively = false)
        foreach ($properties as $k => $v) {
            if (is_int($k)) { // @phpstan-ignore-line
                $k = (string) $k; // @phpstan-ignore-line

            if (property_exists($this, $k)) {
                if ($passively && isset($this->{$k}) && $this->{$k} !== null) {

                if ($v !== null) {
                    $this->{$k} = $v;
            } else {
                $this->setMissingProperty($k, $v);

        return $this;

     * @param mixed $value
    protected function setMissingProperty(string $propertyName, $value): void
        throw (new Exception('Property for specified object is not defined'))
            ->addMoreInfo('object', $this)
            ->addMoreInfo('property', $propertyName)
            ->addMoreInfo('value', $value);

     * Return the argument and assert it is instance of current class.
     * The best, typehinting-friendly, way to annotate object type if it not defined
     * at method header or strong typing in method header cannot be used.
     * @return static
    public static function assertInstanceOf(object $object)// :static supported by PHP8+
        if (!$object instanceof static) {
            throw (new Exception('Object is not an instance of static class'))
                ->addMoreInfo('staticClass', static::class)
                ->addMoreInfo('objectClass', get_class($object));

        return $object;

     * @param array<mixed>|object $seed
    private static function _fromSeedPrecheck($seed, bool $unsafe): void
        if (!is_object($seed)) {
            if (!is_array($seed)) { // @phpstan-ignore-line
                throw (new Exception('Seed must be an array or an object'))
                    ->addMoreInfo('seed', $seed);

            if (!isset($seed[0])) {
                throw (new Exception('Class name is not specified by the seed'))
                    ->addMoreInfo('seed', $seed);

            $cl = $seed[0];
            if (!$unsafe && !is_a($cl, static::class, true)) {
                throw (new Exception('Seed class is not a subtype of static class'))
                    ->addMoreInfo('staticClass', static::class)
                    ->addMoreInfo('seedClass', $cl);

     * Create new object from seed and assert it is instance of current class.
     * The best, typehinting-friendly, way to create an object if it should not be
     * immediately added to a parent (otherwise use addTo() method).
     * @param array<mixed>|object $seed     the first element specifies a class name, other elements are seed
     * @param array<mixed>        $defaults
     * @return static
    public static function fromSeed($seed = [], $defaults = [])// :static supported by PHP8+
        self::_fromSeedPrecheck($seed, false);
        $object = Factory::factory($seed, $defaults);

        return static::assertInstanceOf($object);

     * Same as fromSeed(), but the new object is not asserted to be an instance of this class.
     * @param array<mixed>|object $seed     the first element specifies a class name, other elements are seed
     * @param array<mixed>        $defaults
     * @return static
    public static function fromSeedUnsafe($seed = [], $defaults = [])
        self::_fromSeedPrecheck($seed, true);
        $object = Factory::factory($seed, $defaults);

        return $object; // @phpstan-ignore-line