namespace Atk4\Core;
trait ReadableCaptionTrait
* Generates human readable caption from camelCase model class name or field names.
* This will translate 'this\ _isNASA_MyBigBull shit_123\Foo' into 'This Is NASA My Big Bull Shit 123 Foo'.
public function readableCaption(string $s): string
// first remove not allowed characters and uppercase words
$s = ucwords(preg_replace('~[^a-z\d]+~i', ' ', $s));
// and then run regex to split camelcased words too
$s = array_map('trim', preg_split('~(?:^|[A-Z\d])[^A-Z\d]+\K~', $s, -1, \PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY));
$s = implode(' ', $s);
// replace "Id" with "ID"
$s = preg_replace('~(?<=^| )Id~', 'ID', $s);
return $s;