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Test Coverage


namespace Atk4\Core;

 * If class implements that interface and is added into "Container",
 * then container will keep track of it. This method can also
 * specify desired name of the object.
trait TrackableTrait
    /** @var QuietObjectWrapper<object>|null Link to (owner) object into which we added this object. */
    private ?QuietObjectWrapper $_owner = null;

    /** @var non-falsy-string Name of the object in owner's element array. */
    public string $shortName;

    public function issetOwner(): bool
        return $this->_owner !== null;

    public function getOwner(): object
        $owner = $this->_owner;
        if ($owner === null) {
            throw new Exception('Owner is not set');

        return $owner->get();

     * @return $this
    public function setOwner(object $owner)
        if ($this->issetOwner()) {
            throw new Exception('Owner is already set');

        $this->_owner = new QuietObjectWrapper($owner);

        return $this;

     * Should be used only when object is cloned.
     * @return $this
    public function unsetOwner()
        $this->getOwner(); // assert owner is set

        $this->_owner = null;

        return $this;

     * If name of the object is omitted then it's naturally to name them
     * after the class. You can specify a different naming pattern though.
    public function getDesiredName(): string
        // can be anything, but better to build meaningful name
        $name = get_debug_type($this);

        return trim(preg_replace('~^atk4\\\\[^\\\\]+\\\\|[^0-9a-z\x7f-\xfe]+~s', '_', mb_strtolower($name)), '_');

     * Removes object from parent, so that PHP's Garbage Collector can
     * dispose of it.
    public function destroy(): void
        if ($this->_owner !== null && TraitUtil::hasContainerTrait($this->_owner->get())) {

            // GC remove reference to app is AppScope in use
            if (TraitUtil::hasAppScopeTrait($this) && $this->issetApp()) {
                $this->_app = null; // @phpstan-ignore-line

            // GC remove reference to owner
            $this->_owner = null;