

45 mins
Test Coverage


namespace Atk4\Data\Model;

use Atk4\Core\ContainerTrait;
use Atk4\Data\Exception;
use Atk4\Data\Field;
use Atk4\Data\Model;
use Atk4\Data\Model\Scope\AbstractScope;
use Atk4\Data\Persistence\Sql\Expressionable;

 * @property array<AbstractScope> $elements
class Scope extends AbstractScope
    use ContainerTrait;

    public const OR = 'OR';
    public const AND = 'AND';

    /** @var self::AND|self::OR Junction to use in case more than one element. */
    protected string $junction = self::AND;

     * Create a Scope from array of condition objects or condition arrays.
     * @param array<int, AbstractScope|Expressionable|array{string|Expressionable, 1?: mixed, 2?: mixed}> $conditions
    public function __construct(array $conditions = [], string $junction = self::AND)
        if (!in_array($junction, [self::OR, self::AND], true)) {
            throw (new Exception('Unsupported compound condition junction'))
                ->addMoreInfo('junction', $junction);

        $this->junction = $junction;

        foreach ($conditions as $condition) {
            if (!$condition instanceof AbstractScope) {
                if ($condition instanceof Expressionable && !$condition instanceof Field) {
                    $condition = [$condition];
                $condition = new Scope\Condition(...$condition);


    public function __clone()
        foreach ($this->elements as $k => $nestedCondition) {
            $this->elements[$k] = clone $nestedCondition;
            if ($this->elements[$k]->issetOwner()) {
            $this->elements[$k]->shortName = $nestedCondition->shortName;
        if ($this->issetOwner()) {
        // $this->shortName = null; // uncomment once is resolved

     * @param AbstractScope|array<int, AbstractScope|Expressionable|array{string|Expressionable, 1?: mixed, 2?: mixed}>|string|Expressionable $field
     * @param ($field is string|Expressionable ? ($value is null ? mixed : string) : never)                                                   $operator
     * @param ($operator is string ? mixed : never)                                                                                           $value
     * @return $this
    public function addCondition($field, $operator = null, $value = null)
        if ('func_num_args'() === 1 && $field instanceof AbstractScope) {
            $condition = $field;
        } elseif ('func_num_args'() === 1 && is_array($field)) {
            $condition = static::createAnd(...$field);
        } else {
            $condition = new Scope\Condition(...'func_get_args'());


        return $this;

     * Return array of nested conditions.
     * @return array<AbstractScope>
    public function getNestedConditions(): array
        return $this->elements;

    protected function onChangeModel(): void
        foreach ($this->elements as $nestedCondition) {

    public function isEmpty(): bool
        return count($this->elements) === 0;

    public function isCompound(): bool
        return count($this->elements) > 1;

     * @return self::AND|self::OR
    public function getJunction(): string
        return $this->junction;

     * Checks if junction is OR.
    public function isOr(): bool
        return $this->junction === self::OR;

     * Checks if junction is AND.
    public function isAnd(): bool
        return $this->junction === self::AND;

    public function clear(): self
        $this->elements = [];

        return $this;

    public function simplify(): AbstractScope
        if (count($this->elements) !== 1) {
            return $this;

        $component = reset($this->elements);

        return $component->simplify();

     * Use De Morgan's laws to negate.
    public function negate(): self
        $this->junction = $this->junction === self::OR ? self::AND : self::OR;

        foreach ($this->elements as $nestedCondition) {

        return $this;

    public function toWords(?Model $model = null): string
        $parts = [];
        foreach ($this->elements as $nestedCondition) {
            $words = $nestedCondition->toWords($model);

            $parts[] = $this->isCompound() && $nestedCondition->isCompound() ? '(' . $words . ')' : $words;

        $glue = ' ' . strtolower($this->junction) . ' ';

        return implode($glue, $parts);

     * @param AbstractScope|Expressionable|array{string|Expressionable, 1?: mixed, 2?: mixed} ...$conditions
     * @return static
    public static function createAnd(...$conditions)
        return new static($conditions, self::AND);

     * @param AbstractScope|Expressionable|array{string|Expressionable, 1?: mixed, 2?: mixed} ...$conditions
     * @return static
    public static function createOr(...$conditions)
        return new static($conditions, self::OR);