

1 day
Test Coverage


namespace Atk4\Data\Persistence\Sql\Oracle;

use Atk4\Data\Exception;
use Atk4\Data\Field;
use Atk4\Data\Persistence\Sql\Query as BaseQuery;

class Query extends BaseQuery
    use ExpressionTrait;

    protected string $paramBase = 'xxaaaa';

    protected string $identifierEscapeChar = '"';
    protected string $expressionClass = Expression::class;

     * @param \Closure(string, string): string $makeSqlFx
    protected function _renderConditionBinaryReuseBool(string $sqlLeft, string $sqlRight, \Closure $makeSqlFx, bool $nullFromArgsOnly = false): string
        $reuse = $this->_renderConditionBinaryReuse($sqlLeft, $sqlRight, static fn () => '') !== '';

        return $this->_renderConditionBinaryReuse(
            static function ($sqlLeft, $sqlRight) use ($reuse, $makeSqlFx, $nullFromArgsOnly) {
                $res = $makeSqlFx($sqlLeft, $sqlRight);

                if ($reuse) {
                    // for Oracle v23 and higher "CASE bool WHEN true THEN 1 ..." should be used
                    $res = 'case when not(' . $res . ') then 0 else case when '
                        . ($nullFromArgsOnly ? $sqlLeft . ' is not null and ' . $sqlRight . ' is not null' : $res)
                        . ' then 1 end end';

                return $res;
        ) . ($reuse ? ' = 1' : '');

    protected function _renderConditionLikeOperator(bool $negated, string $sqlLeft, string $sqlRight): string
        return ($negated ? 'not ' : '') . $this->_renderConditionBinaryReuseBool(
            function ($sqlLeft, $sqlRight) {
                $binaryPrefix = "atk4_binary\ru5f8mzx4vsm8g2c9\r";

                $startsWithBinaryPrefixFx = function ($sql) use ($binaryPrefix) {
                    return $sql . ' like ' . $this->escapeStringLiteral($binaryPrefix . str_repeat('_', 8) . '%');

                $binaryEncodeWithoutPrefixFx = static function ($sql) use ($binaryPrefix, $startsWithBinaryPrefixFx) {
                    return 'case when ' . $startsWithBinaryPrefixFx($sql) . ' then to_char(substr(' . $sql . ', ' . (strlen($binaryPrefix) + 9) . '))'
                        . ' else rawtohex(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(' . $sql . ')) end';

                $replaceMultiFx = function (string $sql, array $replacements) {
                    $res = $sql;
                    foreach ($replacements as $search => $replacement) {
                        $res = 'replace(' . $res . ', '
                            . $this->escapeStringLiteral((string) $search) . ', '
                            . $this->escapeStringLiteral($replacement) . ')';

                    return $res;

                return 'case when ' . $sqlLeft . ' is null or ' . $sqlRight . ' is null then null '
                    . 'when ' . $startsWithBinaryPrefixFx($sqlLeft) . ' or ' . $startsWithBinaryPrefixFx($sqlRight) . ' then '
                    . 'case when ' . $this->_renderConditionRegexpOperator(
                        'concat(' . $this->escapeStringLiteral('^') . ', concat(' . $replaceMultiFx(
                                bin2hex('\\\\') => 'x',
                                bin2hex('\_') => 'y',
                                bin2hex('\%') => 'z',
                                bin2hex('\\') => 'x',
                                bin2hex('_') => '..',
                                bin2hex('%') => '(..)*',
                                'x' => bin2hex('\\'),
                                'y' => bin2hex('_'),
                                'z' => bin2hex('%'),
                        ) . ', ' . $this->escapeStringLiteral('$') . '))'
                    ) . ' then 1 else 0 end'
                    . ' else '
                    . 'case when ' . parent::_renderConditionLikeOperator(
                    ) . ' then 1 else 0 end'
                    . ' end = 1';

    protected function _renderConditionRegexpOperator(bool $negated, string $sqlLeft, string $sqlRight, bool $binary = false): string
        return ($negated ? 'not ' : '') . 'regexp_like(' . $sqlLeft . ', ' . $sqlRight
            . ', ' . $this->escapeStringLiteral(($binary ? 'c' : 'i') . 'n') . ')';

    public function render(): array
        if ($this->mode === 'select' && count($this->args['table'] ?? []) === 0) {
            try {

                return parent::render();
            } finally {

        return parent::render();

    protected function _subrenderCondition(array $row): string
        if (count($row) !== 1) {
            [$field, $operator, $value] = $row;
            $operatorLc = strtolower($operator ?? '=');

            if ($field instanceof Field && in_array($field->type, ['binary', 'blob'], true)
                && in_array($operatorLc, ['regexp', 'not regexp'], true)
            ) {
                throw (new Exception('Unsupported binary field operator'))
                    ->addMoreInfo('operator', $operator)
                    ->addMoreInfo('type', $field->type);

            if ($field instanceof Field && in_array($field->type, ['text', 'blob'], true)) {
                if (in_array($operatorLc, ['=', '!='], true)) {
                    if ($field->type === 'text') {
                        $field = $this->expr('LOWER([])', [$field]);
                        $value = $this->expr('LOWER([])', [$value]);

                    $row = [$this->expr('[], [])', [$field, $value]), $operator, 0];
                } elseif (in_array($operatorLc, ['like', 'not like'], true)) {
                    if ($field->type === 'text') {
                        $field = $this->expr('LOWER([])', [$field]);
                        $value = $this->expr('LOWER([])', [$value]);

                        $row = [$field, $operator, $value];
                } elseif (!in_array($operatorLc, ['regexp', 'not regexp'], true)) {
                    throw (new Exception('Unsupported CLOB/BLOB field operator'))
                        ->addMoreInfo('operator', $operator)
                        ->addMoreInfo('type', $field->type);

        return parent::_subrenderCondition($row);

    protected function _renderLimit(): ?string
        if (!isset($this->args['limit'])) {
            return null;

        $cnt = (int) $this->args['limit']['cnt'];
        $shift = (int) $this->args['limit']['shift'];

        return ($shift ? ' offset ' . $shift . ' rows' : '')
            . ' fetch next ' . $cnt . ' rows only';

    public function groupConcat($field, string $separator = ',')
        return $this->expr('listagg({field}, []) within group (order by {field})', ['field' => $field, $separator]);

    public function exists()
        return $this->dsql()->mode('select')->field(
            $this->dsql()->expr('case when exists[] then 1 else 0 end', [$this])