

1 hr
Test Coverage


namespace Atk4\Data\Persistence\Sql\Postgresql;

use Atk4\Data\Persistence\Sql\Expression as BaseExpression;
use Atk4\Data\Persistence\Sql\Query as BaseQuery;

class Query extends BaseQuery
    use ExpressionTrait;

    public const QUOTED_TOKEN_REGEX = Expression::QUOTED_TOKEN_REGEX;

    protected string $identifierEscapeChar = '"';
    protected string $expressionClass = Expression::class;

    protected string $templateUpdate = 'update [table][join] set [set] [where]';
    protected string $templateReplace;

     * @param \Closure(string, string): string $makeSqlFx
    private function _renderConditionConditionalCastToText(string $sqlLeft, string $sqlRight, \Closure $makeSqlFx): string
        return $this->_renderConditionBinaryReuse(
            function ($sqlLeft, $sqlRight) use ($makeSqlFx) {
                $iifByteaSqlFx = function ($valueSql, $trueSql, $falseSql) {
                    return 'case when pg_typeof(' . $valueSql . ') = ' . $this->escapeStringLiteral('bytea') . '::regtype'
                        . ' then ' . $trueSql . ' else ' . $falseSql . ' end';

                $escapeNonUtf8Fx = function ($sql, $neverBytea = false) use ($iifByteaSqlFx) {
                    $doubleBackslashesFx = function ($sql) {
                        return 'replace(' . $sql . ', ' . $this->escapeStringLiteral('\\')
                            . ', ' . $this->escapeStringLiteral('\\\\') . ')';

                    $byteaSql = 'cast(' . $doubleBackslashesFx('cast(' . $sql . ' as text)') . ' as bytea)';
                    if (!$neverBytea) {
                        $byteaSql = $iifByteaSqlFx(
                            'decode(' . $iifByteaSqlFx(
                                $doubleBackslashesFx('substring(cast(' . $sql . ' as text) from 3)'),
                            ) . ', ' . $this->escapeStringLiteral('hex') . ')',

                    // 0x00 and 0x80+ bytes will be escaped as "\xddd"
                    $res = 'encode(' . $byteaSql . ', ' . $this->escapeStringLiteral('escape') . ')';

                    // replace backslash in "\xddd" for LIKE/REGEXP
                    $res = 'regexp_replace(' . $res . ', '
                        . $this->escapeStringLiteral('(?<!\\\)((\\\\\\\)*)\\\(\d\d\d)') . ', '
                        . $this->escapeStringLiteral("\\1\u{00a9}\\3\u{00a9}") . ', '
                        . $this->escapeStringLiteral('g') . ')';

                    // revert double backslashes
                    $res = 'replace(' . $res . ', ' . $this->escapeStringLiteral('\\\\')
                        . ', ' . $this->escapeStringLiteral('\\') . ')';

                    return $res;

                return $iifByteaSqlFx(
                    $makeSqlFx($escapeNonUtf8Fx($sqlLeft), $escapeNonUtf8Fx($sqlRight, true)),
                    $makeSqlFx('cast(' . $sqlLeft . ' as citext)', $sqlRight)

    protected function _renderConditionLikeOperator(bool $negated, string $sqlLeft, string $sqlRight): string
        return $this->_renderConditionConditionalCastToText($sqlLeft, $sqlRight, function ($sqlLeft, $sqlRight) use ($negated) {
            $sqlRightEscaped = 'regexp_replace(' . $sqlRight . ', '
                . $this->escapeStringLiteral('(\\\[\\\_%])|(\\\)') . ', '
                . $this->escapeStringLiteral('\1\2\2') . ', '
                . $this->escapeStringLiteral('g') . ')';

            return $sqlLeft . ($negated ? ' not' : '') . ' like ' . $sqlRightEscaped
                . ' escape ' . $this->escapeStringLiteral('\\');

    // needed for PostgreSQL v14 and lower
    protected function _renderConditionRegexpOperator(bool $negated, string $sqlLeft, string $sqlRight, bool $binary = false): string
        return $this->_renderConditionConditionalCastToText($sqlLeft, $sqlRight, static function ($sqlLeft, $sqlRight) use ($negated) {
            return $sqlLeft . ' ' . ($negated ? '!' : '') . '~ ' . $sqlRight;

    protected function _renderLimit(): ?string
        if (!isset($this->args['limit'])) {
            return null;

        return ' limit ' . (int) $this->args['limit']['cnt']
            . ' offset ' . (int) $this->args['limit']['shift'];

    public function groupConcat($field, string $separator = ','): BaseExpression
        return $this->expr('string_agg({}, [])', [$field, $separator]);