namespace Atk4\Data\Persistence\Sql;
* Perform query operation on SQL server (such as select, insert, delete, etc).
abstract class Query extends Expression
private const FIELD_INT_STRING_PREFIX = "\xff_int-string_";
/** Template name for render. */
public string $mode = 'select';
/** @var string|Expression If no fields are defined, this field is used. */
public $defaultField = '*';
/** @var class-string<Expression> */
protected string $expressionClass;
public bool $wrapInParentheses = true;
/** @var list<string> */
protected array $supportedOperators = ['=', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', 'in', 'not in', 'like', 'not like', 'regexp', 'not regexp'];
protected string $templateSelect = '[with]select[option] [field] [from] [table][join][where][group][having][order][limit]';
protected string $templateInsert = 'insert[option] into [tableNoalias] ([setFields]) values ([setValues])';
protected string $templateReplace = 'replace[option] into [tableNoalias] ([setFields]) values ([setValues])';
protected string $templateDelete = '[with]delete [from] [tableNoalias][where][having]';
protected string $templateUpdate = '[with]update [tableNoalias] set [set] [where]';
protected string $templateTruncate = 'truncate table [tableNoalias]';
// {{{ Field specification and rendering
* Adds new column to resulting select by querying $field.
* Examples:
* $q->field('name');
* You can use a dot to prepend table name to the field:
* $q->field('');
* $q->field('')->field('address.line1');
* You can pass first argument as Expression or Query
* $q->field($q->expr('2 + 2'), 'alias'); // must always use alias
* You can use $q->dsql() for subqueries. Subqueries will be wrapped in parentheses.
* $q->field($q->dsql()->table('x')..., 'alias');
* If you need to use funky name for the field (e.g, one containing
* a dot or a space), you should wrap it into expression:
* $q->field($q->expr('{}', ['']), 'f');
* @param string|Expressionable $field
* @return $this
public function field($field, ?string $alias = null)
$this->_setArgs('field', $alias, $field);
return $this;
* Returns template component for [field].
* @param bool $addAlias Should we add aliases, see _renderFieldNoalias()
* @return string Parsed template chunk
protected function _renderField($addAlias = true): string
// if no fields were defined, use defaultField
if (($this->args['field'] ?? []) === []) {
if ($this->defaultField instanceof Expression) {
return $this->consume($this->defaultField, self::ESCAPE_PARAM);
return $this->escapeIdentifierSoft($this->defaultField);
$res = [];
foreach ($this->args['field'] as $alias => $field) {
if (is_string($alias) && str_starts_with($alias, self::FIELD_INT_STRING_PREFIX)) {
$alias = substr($alias, strlen(self::FIELD_INT_STRING_PREFIX));
if ($addAlias === false
|| $alias === $field
|| is_int($alias)
) {
$alias = null;
// will parameterize the value and escape if necessary
$field = $this->consume($field, self::ESCAPE_IDENTIFIER_SOFT);
if ($alias !== null) {
// field alias cannot be expression, so simply escape it
$field .= ' ' . $this->escapeIdentifier($alias);
$res[] = $field;
return implode(', ', $res);
protected function _renderFieldNoalias(): string
return $this->_renderField(false);
// }}}
// {{{ Table specification and rendering
* Specify a table to be used in a query.
* @param string|Expressionable $table
* @return $this
public function table($table, ?string $alias = null)
if ($alias === null) {
if ($table instanceof self) {
throw (new Exception('Table alias is required when table is set as subquery'))
->addMoreInfo('table', $table);
if (is_string($table)) {
$alias = $table;
$this->_setArgs('table', $alias, $table);
return $this;
* Name or alias of base table to use when using default join().
* It is set by table(). If you are using multiple tables,
* then false is returned as it is irrelevant.
* @return string|false|null
protected function getMainTable()
$c = count($this->args['table'] ?? []);
if ($c === 0) {
return null;
} elseif ($c !== 1) {
return false;
$alias = array_key_first($this->args['table']);
if (!is_int($alias)) {
return $alias;
return $this->args['table'][$alias];
* @param bool $addAlias Should we add aliases, see _renderTableNoalias()
protected function _renderTable($addAlias = true): ?string
$res = [];
foreach ($this->args['table'] ?? [] as $alias => $table) {
if ($addAlias === false && $table instanceof self) {
throw new Exception('Table cannot be Query in UPDATE, INSERT etc. query modes');
// do not add alias when:
// - we don't want aliases
// - OR alias is the same as table name
// - OR alias is numeric
if ($addAlias === false
|| (is_string($table) && $alias === $table)
|| is_int($alias)
) {
$alias = null;
// consume or escape table
$table = $this->consume($table, self::ESCAPE_IDENTIFIER_SOFT);
// add alias if needed
if ($alias) {
$table .= ' ' . $this->escapeIdentifier($alias);
$res[] = $table;
return implode(', ', $res);
protected function _renderTableNoalias(): ?string
return $this->_renderTable(false);
protected function _renderFrom(): ?string
return isset($this->args['table']) ? 'from' : '';
// }}}
// {{{ with()
* Specify WITH query to be used.
* @param array<int, string>|null $fields
* @return $this
public function with(self $cursor, string $alias, ?array $fields = null, bool $recursive = false)
$this->_setArgs('with', $alias, [
'cursor' => $cursor,
'fields' => $fields,
'recursive' => $recursive,
return $this;
protected function _renderWith(): ?string
if (($this->args['with'] ?? []) === []) {
return '';
$res = [];
$isRecursive = false;
foreach ($this->args['with'] as $alias => ['cursor' => $cursor, 'fields' => $fields, 'recursive' => $recursive]) {
// cursor alias cannot be expression, so simply escape it
$s = $this->escapeIdentifier($alias) . ' ';
// set cursor fields
if ($fields !== null) {
$s .= '(' . implode(', ', array_map([$this, 'escapeIdentifier'], $fields)) . ') ';
// will parameterize the value and escape if necessary
$s .= 'as ' . $this->consume($cursor, self::ESCAPE_IDENTIFIER_SOFT);
if ($recursive) {
$isRecursive = true;
$res[] = $s;
return 'with ' . ($isRecursive ? 'recursive ' : '') . implode(',' . "\n", $res) . "\n";
// }}}
// {{{ join()
* Joins your query with another table. Join will use $this->getMainTable()
* to reference the main table, unless you specify it explicitly.
* Examples:
* $q->join('address'); // on user.address_id =
* $q->join('address.user_id'); // on address.user_id =
* $q->join('address a'); // with alias
* Second argument may specify the field of the master table
* $q->join('address', 'billing_id');
* $q->join('address.code', 'code');
* $q->join('address.code', 'user.code');
* Third argument may specify which kind of join to use.
* $q->join('address', null, 'left');
* $q->join('address.code', 'user.code', 'inner');
* You can use expression for more complex joins
* $q->join(
* 'address',
* $q->orExpr()
* ->where('user.billing_id', '')
* ->where('user.technical_id', '')
* )
* @param string $foreignTable Table to join with
* @param string|Expression $masterField Field in master table
* @param string $joinKind 'left' or 'inner', etc
* @param string $foreignAlias
* @return $this
public function join(
$masterField = null,
$joinKind = null,
$foreignAlias = null
) {
$j = [];
// try to find alias in foreign table definition
// TODO this behavior should be deprecated
if ($foreignAlias === null) {
[$foreignTable, $foreignAlias] = array_pad(explode(' ', $foreignTable, 2), 2, null);
// split and deduce fields
// TODO this will not allow table names with dots in there !!!
[$f1, $f2] = array_pad(explode('.', $foreignTable, 2), 2, null);
if (is_object($masterField)) {
$j['expr'] = $masterField;
} else {
// split and deduce primary table
if ($masterField === null) {
[$m1, $m2] = [null, null];
} else {
[$m1, $m2] = array_pad(explode('.', $masterField, 2), 2, null);
if ($m2 === null) {
$m2 = $m1;
$m1 = null;
if ($m1 === null) {
$m1 = $this->getMainTable();
// identify fields we use for joins
if ($f2 === null && $m2 === null) {
$m2 = $f1 . '_id';
if ($m2 === null) {
$m2 = 'id';
$j['m1'] = $m1;
$j['m2'] = $m2;
$j['f1'] = $f1;
if ($f2 === null) {
$f2 = 'id';
$j['f2'] = $f2;
$j['t'] = $joinKind ?? 'left';
$j['fa'] = $foreignAlias;
$this->args['join'][] = $j;
return $this;
protected function _renderJoin(): ?string
if (!isset($this->args['join'])) {
return '';
$joins = [];
foreach ($this->args['join'] as $j) {
$jj = $j['t'] . ' join '
. $this->escapeIdentifierSoft($j['f1'])
. ($j['fa'] !== null ? ' ' . $this->escapeIdentifier($j['fa']) : '')
. ' on ';
if (isset($j['expr'])) {
$jj .= $this->consume($j['expr'], self::ESCAPE_PARAM);
} else {
$jj .= $this->escapeIdentifier($j['fa'] ?? $j['f1']) . '.'
. $this->escapeIdentifier($j['f2']) . ' = '
. ($j['m1'] === null ? '' : $this->escapeIdentifier($j['m1']) . '.')
. $this->escapeIdentifier($j['m2']);
$joins[] = $jj;
return ' ' . implode(' ', $joins);
// }}}
// {{{ where() and having() specification and rendering
* Adds condition to your query.
* Examples:
* $q->where('id', 1);
* By default condition implies equality. You can specify a different comparison operator
* by using 3-argument format:
* $q->where('id', '>', 1);
* You may use Expression as any part of the query.
* $q->where($q->expr('a = b'));
* $q->where('date', '>', $q->expr('now()'));
* $q->where($q->expr('length(password)'), '>', 5);
* If you specify Query as an argument, it will be automatically surrounded by parentheses:
* $q->where('user_id', $q->dsql()->table('users')->field('id'));
* To specify OR conditions:
* $q->where($q->orExpr()->where('a', 1)->where('b', 1));
* @param string|Expressionable $field Field or Expression
* @param ($value is null ? mixed : string|null) $operator Condition such as '=', '>' or 'not like'
* @param ($operator is string|null ? mixed : never) $value Value. Will be quoted unless you pass expression
* @param 'where'|'having' $kind Do not use directly. Use having()
* @param int $numArgs when $kind is passed, we can't determine number of
* actual arguments, so this argument must be specified
* @return $this
public function where($field, $operator = null, $value = null, $kind = 'where', $numArgs = null)
// number of passed arguments will be used to determine if arguments were specified or not
if ($numArgs === null) {
$numArgs = 'func_num_args'();
if (is_string($field) && preg_match('~([><!=]|(<!\w)(not|is|in|like))\s*$~i', $field)) {
throw (new Exception('Field condition must be passed separately'))
->addMoreInfo('field', $field);
if ($numArgs === 1) {
if (is_string($field)) {
$field = $this->expr($field);
$field->wrapInParentheses = true;
} elseif (!$field instanceof Expression || !$field->wrapInParentheses) {
$field = $this->expr('[]', [$field]);
$field->wrapInParentheses = true;
$this->args[$kind][] = [$field];
} else {
if ($numArgs === 2) {
$value = $operator;
$operator = null;
} elseif ($operator === null) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
if (is_object($value) && !$value instanceof Expressionable) {
throw (new Exception('Value cannot be converted to SQL-compatible expression'))
->addMoreInfo('field', $field)
->addMoreInfo('value', $value);
$this->args[$kind][] = [$field, $operator, $value];
return $this;
* Same syntax as where().
* @param string|Expressionable $field Field or Expression
* @param ($value is null ? mixed : string|null) $operator Condition such as '=', '>' or 'not like'
* @param ($operator is string|null ? mixed : never) $value Value. Will be quoted unless you pass expression
* @return $this
public function having($field, $operator = null, $value = null)
return $this->where($field, $operator, $value, 'having', 'func_num_args'());
* Subroutine which renders either [where] or [having].
* @param 'where'|'having' $kind
* @return list<string>
protected function _subrenderWhere($kind): array
// where() might have been called multiple times
// collect all conditions, then join them with AND keyword
$res = [];
foreach ($this->args[$kind] as $row) {
$res[] = $this->_subrenderCondition($row);
return $res;
* @param \Closure(string, string): string $makeSqlFx
protected function _renderConditionBinaryReuse(
string $sqlLeft,
string $sqlRight,
\Closure $makeSqlFx,
bool $allowReuseLeft = true,
bool $allowReuseRight = true,
string $internalIdentifier = 'reuse'
): string {
$nonTrivialSqlRegex = '~\s|\(~';
$subqueryLeftColumnSql = $allowReuseLeft && preg_match($nonTrivialSqlRegex, $sqlLeft)
? $this->escapeIdentifier('__atk4_' . $internalIdentifier . '_left__')
: null;
$subqueryRightColumnSql = $allowReuseRight && preg_match($nonTrivialSqlRegex, $sqlRight)
? $this->escapeIdentifier('__atk4_' . $internalIdentifier . '_right__')
: null;
$subqueryFromSql = null;
if ($subqueryLeftColumnSql !== null || $subqueryRightColumnSql !== null) {
$subqueryFromSql = 'select ';
if ($subqueryLeftColumnSql !== null) {
$subqueryFromSql .= $sqlLeft . ' ' . $subqueryLeftColumnSql;
$sqlLeft = $subqueryLeftColumnSql;
if ($subqueryRightColumnSql !== null) {
if ($subqueryLeftColumnSql !== null) {
$subqueryFromSql .= ', ';
$subqueryFromSql .= $sqlRight . ' ' . $subqueryRightColumnSql;
$sqlRight = $subqueryRightColumnSql;
$res = $makeSqlFx($sqlLeft, $sqlRight);
if ($subqueryFromSql !== null) {
$isOracle = $this->escapeStringLiteral("\x00") === 'chr(0)';
if ($isOracle) {
$subqueryFromSql .= ' from DUAL';
$res = '(select ' . $res . ' from (' . $subqueryFromSql . ') '
. $this->escapeIdentifier('__atk4_' . $internalIdentifier . '_tmp__') . ')';
return $res;
* @param string|($operator is 'in'|'not in' ? non-empty-list<string> : never) $sqlRight
protected function _renderConditionBinary(string $operator, string $sqlLeft, $sqlRight): string
return $sqlLeft . ' ' . $operator . ' ' . (is_array($sqlRight)
? '(' . implode(', ', $sqlRight) . ')'
: $sqlRight);
protected function _renderConditionLikeOperator(bool $negated, string $sqlLeft, string $sqlRight): string
$sqlRightEscaped = 'regexp_replace(' . $sqlRight . ', '
. $this->escapeStringLiteral('(\\\[\\\_%])|(\\\)') . ', '
. $this->escapeStringLiteral('\1\2\2') . ')';
return $sqlLeft . ($negated ? ' not' : '') . ' like ' . $sqlRightEscaped
. ' escape ' . $this->escapeStringLiteral('\\');
protected function _renderConditionRegexpOperator(bool $negated, string $sqlLeft, string $sqlRight, bool $binary = false): string
return ($negated ? 'not ' : '') . 'regexp_like(' . $sqlLeft . ', ' . $sqlRight
. ', ' . $this->escapeStringLiteral(($binary ? '' : 'i') . 's') . ')';
* @param array{mixed}|array{mixed, string|null, mixed} $row
protected function _subrenderCondition(array $row): string
if (count($row) === 1) {
[$field] = $row;
} elseif (count($row) === 3) {
[$field, $operator, $value] = $row;
} else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException();
$field = $this->consume($field, self::ESCAPE_IDENTIFIER_SOFT);
if (count($row) === 1) {
return $field;
if ($operator === null) {
if ($value instanceof Expressionable) {
$value = $value->getDsqlExpression($this);
if (is_array($value)) {
$operator = 'in';
} elseif ($value instanceof self && $value->mode === 'select') {
$operator = 'in';
} else {
$operator = '=';
} else {
$operator = strtolower($operator);
if (!in_array($operator, $this->supportedOperators, true)) {
throw (new Exception('Unsupported operator'))
->addMoreInfo('operator', $operator);
// special conditions (IS | IS NOT) if value is null
if ($value === null) {
if ($operator === '=') {
return $field . ' is null';
} elseif ($operator === '!=') {
return $field . ' is not null';
throw (new Exception('Unsupported operator for null value'))
->addMoreInfo('operator', $operator);
// special conditions (IN | NOT IN) if value is array
if (is_array($value)) {
if (in_array($operator, ['in', 'not in'], true)) {
// special treatment of empty array condition
if (count($value) === 0) {
if ($operator === 'in') {
return '1 = 0'; // never true
return '1 = 1'; // always true
foreach ($value as $v) {
if ($v === null) {
throw (new Exception('Null value in IN operator is not supported'))
->addMoreInfo('operator', $operator);
$values = array_map(fn ($v) => $this->consume($v, self::ESCAPE_PARAM), $value);
return $this->_renderConditionBinary($operator, $field, $values);
throw (new Exception('Unsupported operator for array value'))
->addMoreInfo('operator', $operator);
} elseif (!$value instanceof Expressionable && in_array($operator, ['in', 'not in'], true)) {
throw (new Exception('Unsupported operator for non-array value'))
->addMoreInfo('operator', $operator);
// if value is object, then it should be Expression or Query itself
// otherwise just escape value
$value = $this->consume($value, self::ESCAPE_PARAM);
if (in_array($operator, ['like', 'not like'], true)) {
return $this->_renderConditionLikeOperator($operator === 'not like', $field, $value);
} elseif (in_array($operator, ['regexp', 'not regexp'], true)) {
return $this->_renderConditionRegexpOperator($operator === 'not regexp', $field, $value);
return $this->_renderConditionBinary($operator, $field, $value);
protected function _renderWhere(): ?string
if (!isset($this->args['where'])) {
return null;
return ' where ' . implode(' and ', $this->_subrenderWhere('where'));
protected function _renderOrwhere(): ?string
if (isset($this->args['where']) && isset($this->args['having'])) {
throw new Exception('Mixing of WHERE and HAVING conditions not allowed in query expression');
foreach (['where', 'having'] as $kind) {
if (isset($this->args[$kind])) {
return implode(' or ', $this->_subrenderWhere($kind));
return null;
protected function _renderAndwhere(): ?string
if (isset($this->args['where']) && isset($this->args['having'])) {
throw new Exception('Mixing of WHERE and HAVING conditions not allowed in query expression');
foreach (['where', 'having'] as $kind) {
if (isset($this->args[$kind])) {
return implode(' and ', $this->_subrenderWhere($kind));
return null;
protected function _renderHaving(): ?string
if (!isset($this->args['having'])) {
return null;
return ' having ' . implode(' and ', $this->_subrenderWhere('having'));
// }}}
// {{{ group()
* Implements GROUP BY functionality. Simply pass either field name
* as string or expression.
* @param string|Expressionable $group
* @return $this
public function group($group)
$this->args['group'][] = $group;
return $this;
protected function _renderGroup(): ?string
if (!isset($this->args['group'])) {
return '';
$g = array_map(function ($v) {
return $this->consume($v, self::ESCAPE_IDENTIFIER_SOFT);
}, $this->args['group']);
return ' group by ' . implode(', ', $g);
// }}}
// {{{ Set field implementation
* Sets field value for INSERT or UPDATE statements.
* @param string|Expressionable $field Name of the field
* @param mixed $value Value of the field
* @return $this
public function set($field, $value = null)
if (is_array($value)) {
throw (new Exception('Array values are not supported by SQL'))
->addMoreInfo('field', $field)
->addMoreInfo('value', $value);
$this->args['set'][] = [$field, $value];
return $this;
* @param array<string, mixed> $fields
* @return $this
public function setMulti($fields)
foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
$this->set($k, $v);
return $this;
protected function _renderSet(): ?string
$res = [];
foreach ($this->args['set'] as [$field, $value]) {
$field = $this->consume($field, self::ESCAPE_IDENTIFIER);
$value = $this->consume($value, self::ESCAPE_PARAM);
$res[] = $field . '=' . $value;
return implode(', ', $res);
protected function _renderSetFields(): ?string
$res = [];
foreach ($this->args['set'] as $pair) {
$field = $this->consume($pair[0], self::ESCAPE_IDENTIFIER);
$res[] = $field;
return implode(', ', $res);
protected function _renderSetValues(): ?string
$res = [];
foreach ($this->args['set'] as $pair) {
$value = $this->consume($pair[1], self::ESCAPE_PARAM);
$res[] = $value;
return implode(', ', $res);
// }}}
// {{{ Option
* Set options for particular mode.
* @param string|Expressionable $option
* @param string $mode
* @return $this
public function option($option, $mode = 'select')
$this->args['option'][$mode][] = $option;
return $this;
protected function _renderOption(): ?string
if (!isset($this->args['option'][$this->mode])) {
return '';
return ' ' . implode(' ', $this->args['option'][$this->mode]);
// }}}
// {{{ Order
* Orders results by field or Expression. See documentation for full
* list of possible arguments.
* $q->order('name');
* $q->order('name desc');
* $q->order(['name desc', 'id asc'])
* $q->order('name', true);
* @param string|Expressionable|array<int, string|Expressionable> $order order by
* @param ($order is array ? never : string|bool) $direction true to sort descending
* @return $this
public function order($order, $direction = null)
if (is_string($order) && str_contains($order, ',')) {
throw new Exception('Comma-separated fields list is no longer accepted, use array instead');
if (is_array($order)) {
if ($direction !== null) {
throw new Exception('If first argument is array, second argument must not be used');
foreach (array_reverse($order) as $o) {
return $this;
// first argument may contain space, to divide field and ordering keyword
if ($direction === null && is_string($order) && str_contains($order, ' ')) {
$lastSpacePos = strrpos($order, ' ');
if (in_array(strtolower(substr($order, $lastSpacePos + 1)), ['desc', 'asc'], true)) {
$direction = substr($order, $lastSpacePos + 1);
$order = substr($order, 0, $lastSpacePos);
if (is_bool($direction)) {
$direction = $direction ? 'desc' : '';
} elseif (strtolower($direction ?? '') === 'asc') {
$direction = '';
// no else - allow custom order like "order by name desc nulls last" for Oracle
$this->args['order'][] = [$order, $direction];
return $this;
* @param list<string> $sqls
* @return list<string>
protected function deduplicateRenderOrder(array $sqls): array
return $sqls;
protected function _renderOrder(): ?string
if (!isset($this->args['order'])) {
return '';
$sqls = [];
foreach ($this->args['order'] as $tmp) {
[$arg, $desc] = $tmp;
$sqls[] = $this->consume($arg, self::ESCAPE_IDENTIFIER_SOFT) . ($desc ? (' ' . $desc) : '');
$sqls = array_reverse($sqls);
$sqlsDeduplicated = $this->deduplicateRenderOrder($sqls);
return ' order by ' . implode(', ', $sqlsDeduplicated);
// }}}
// {{{ Limit
* Limit how many rows will be returned.
* @param int $cnt Number of rows to return
* @param int $shift Offset, how many rows to skip
* @return $this
public function limit($cnt, $shift = null)
$this->args['limit'] = [
'cnt' => $cnt,
'shift' => $shift,
return $this;
protected function _renderLimit(): ?string
if (!isset($this->args['limit'])) {
return null;
return ' limit ' . (int) $this->args['limit']['shift']
. ', ' . (int) $this->args['limit']['cnt'];
// }}}
// {{{ Exists
* Creates 'select exists' query based on the query object.
* @return self
public function exists()
return $this->dsql()->mode('select')->option('exists')->field($this);
// }}}
public function __debugInfo(): array
$arr = [
// 'mode' => $this->mode,
'R' => 'n/a',
'R_params' => 'n/a',
// 'template' => $this->template,
// 'templateArgs' => $this->args,
try {
$arr['R'] = $this->getDebugQuery();
$arr['R_params'] = $this->render()[1];
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$arr['R'] = get_class($e) . ': ' . $e->getMessage();
return $arr;
// {{{ Miscelanious
* Renders query template. If the template is not explicitly use "select" mode.
public function render(): array
if ($this->template === null) {
$modeBackup = $this->mode;
$templateBackup = $this->template;
try {
return parent::render();
} finally {
$this->mode = $modeBackup;
$this->template = $templateBackup;
return parent::render();
protected function renderNested(): array
if (isset($this->args['order']) && !isset($this->args['limit'])) {
$orderOrig = $this->args['order'];
} else {
$orderOrig = null;
try {
[$sql, $params] = parent::renderNested();
} finally {
if ($orderOrig !== null) {
$this->args['order'] = $orderOrig;
return [$sql, $params];
* Switch template for this query. Determines what would be done
* on execute.
* By default it is in SELECT mode
* @param string $mode
* @return $this
public function mode($mode)
$templatePropertyName = 'template' . ucfirst($mode);
if (@isset($this->{$templatePropertyName})) {
$this->mode = $mode;
$this->template = $this->{$templatePropertyName};
} else {
throw (new Exception('Query does not have this mode'))
->addMoreInfo('mode', $mode);
return $this;
public function expr($template = [], array $arguments = []): Expression
$class = $this->expressionClass;
$e = new $class($template, $arguments);
$e->connection = $this->connection;
return $e;
* Create Query object with the same connection.
* @param string|array<string, mixed> $defaults
* @return self
public function dsql($defaults = [])
$q = new static($defaults);
$q->connection = $this->connection;
return $q;
* Returns Expression object for NOW() or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() method.
public function exprNow(?int $precision = null): Expression
return $this->expr(
'current_timestamp(' . ($precision !== null ? '[]' : '') . ')',
$precision !== null ? [$precision] : []
* Returns new Query object of [or] expression.
* @return self
public function orExpr()
return $this->dsql(['template' => '[orwhere]']);
* Returns new Query object of [and] expression.
* @return self
public function andExpr()
return $this->dsql(['template' => '[andwhere]']);
* Returns a query for a function, which can be used as part of the GROUP
* query which would concatenate all matching fields.
* @param string|Expressionable $field
* @return Expression
public function groupConcat($field, string $separator = ',')
throw new Exception('groupConcat() is SQL-dependent, so use a correct class');
* Returns Query object of [case] expression.
* @param string|Expressionable|null $operand optional operand for case expression
* @return self
public function caseExpr($operand = null)
$q = $this->dsql(['template' => '[case]']);
if ($operand !== null) {
$q->args['case_operand'] = [$operand];
return $q;
* Add when/then condition for [case] expression.
* @param mixed $when Condition as array for normal form [case] statement or just value in case of short form [case] statement
* @param mixed $then Then expression or value
* @return $this
public function caseWhen($when, $then)
if (is_array($when) && count($when) === 2) {
$when = [$when[0], null, $when[1]];
$this->args['case_when'][] = [$when, $then];
return $this;
* Add else condition for [case] expression.
* @param mixed $else Else expression or value
* @return $this
public function caseElse($else)
$this->args['case_else'] = [$else];
return $this;
protected function _renderCase(): ?string
if (!isset($this->args['case_when'])) {
return null;
$res = '';
// operand
$isShortForm = isset($this->args['case_operand']);
if ($isShortForm) {
$res .= ' ' . $this->consume($this->args['case_operand'][0], self::ESCAPE_IDENTIFIER_SOFT);
// when, then
foreach ($this->args['case_when'] as $row) {
if (!array_key_exists(0, $row) || !array_key_exists(1, $row)) {
throw (new Exception('Incorrect use of "when" method parameters'))
->addMoreInfo('row', $row);
$res .= ' when ';
if ($isShortForm) {
// short-form
if (is_array($row[0])) {
throw (new Exception('When using short form CASE statement, then you should not set array as when() method 1st parameter'))
->addMoreInfo('when', $row[0]);
$res .= $this->consume($row[0], self::ESCAPE_PARAM);
} else {
$res .= $this->_subrenderCondition($row[0]);
// then
$res .= ' then ' . $this->consume($row[1], self::ESCAPE_PARAM);
// else
if (array_key_exists('case_else', $this->args)) {
$res .= ' else ' . $this->consume($this->args['case_else'][0], self::ESCAPE_PARAM);
return ' case' . $res . ' end';
* Sets value in args array. Doesn't allow duplicate aliases.
* @param mixed $value
protected function _setArgs(string $kind, ?string $alias, $value): void
if ($alias === null) {
$this->args[$kind][] = $value;
} else {
if (isset($this->args[$kind][$alias])) {
throw (new Exception('Alias must be unique'))
->addMoreInfo('kind', $kind)
->addMoreInfo('alias', $alias);
if ($alias === (string) (int) $alias) {
if ($kind === 'field') {
$alias = self::FIELD_INT_STRING_PREFIX . $alias;
} else {
throw (new Exception('Alias must be not int-string'))
->addMoreInfo('kind', $kind)
->addMoreInfo('alias', $alias);
$this->args[$kind][$alias] = $value;
// }}}