

3 hrs
Test Coverage


namespace Atk4\Dsql\Oracle;

use Atk4\Dsql\Connection as BaseConnection;

class Connection extends BaseConnection
    protected $query_class = Query::class;

    public function __construct($properties = [])

        // date and datetime format should be like this for Agile Data to correctly pick it up and typecast
        $this->expr('ALTER SESSION SET NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT={datetime_format} NLS_DATE_FORMAT={date_format} NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS={dec_char}', [
            'datetime_format' => 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS', // datetime format
            'date_format' => 'YYYY-MM-DD', // date format
            'dec_char' => '. ', // decimal separator, no thousands separator

    // {{{ fix for too many connections for CI testing

    /** @var int */
    private static $ciDifferentDsnCounter = 0;
    /** @var array */
    private static $ciLastConnectDsn;
    /** @var \PDO|null */
    private static $ciLastConnectPdo;

    protected static function connectDbalConnection(array $dsn)
        // for some reasons, the following error:
        // PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: pdo_oci_handle_factory: ORA-12516: TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack
        // is shown randomly when a lot of connections are created in tests,
        // so for CI, fix this issue by reusing the previous PDO connection
        // TODO remove once atk4/data tests can be run consistently without errors
        if (class_exists(\PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase::class, false)) { // called from phpunit
            $notReusableFunc = function (string $message): void {
                echo "\n" . 'connection for CI can not be reused:' . "\n" . $message . "\n";
                self::$ciLastConnectPdo = null;

            if (self::$ciLastConnectDsn !== $dsn) {
                if (self::$ciDifferentDsnCounter >= 4) {
                    $notReusableFunc('different DSN');
            } elseif (self::$ciLastConnectPdo !== null) {
                try {
                    self::$ciLastConnectPdo->query('select 1 from dual')->fetch();
                } catch (\PDOException $e) {
                    $notReusableFunc((string) $e);

            if (self::$ciLastConnectPdo !== null && self::$ciLastConnectPdo->inTransaction()) {
                $notReusableFunc('inside transaction');

            if (self::$ciLastConnectPdo !== null) {
                $dbalConnection = parent::connectDbalConnection(['pdo' => self::$ciLastConnectPdo]);
            } else {
                $dbalConnection = parent::connectDbalConnection($dsn);

            if (BaseConnection::isComposerDbal2x()) {
                self::$ciLastConnectPdo = $dbalConnection->getWrappedConnection(); // @phpstan-ignore-line
            } else {
                self::$ciLastConnectPdo = $dbalConnection->getWrappedConnection()->getWrappedConnection(); // @phpstan-ignore-line
            self::$ciLastConnectDsn = $dsn;

            return $dbalConnection;

        return parent::connectDbalConnection($dsn);

    /// }}}

     * Return last inserted ID value.
     * Drivers like PostgreSQL need to receive sequence name to get ID because PDO doesn't support this method.
    public function lastInsertId(string $sequence = null): string
        if ($sequence) {
            /** @var AbstractQuery */
            $query = $this->dsql()->mode('seq_currval');

            return $query->sequence($sequence)->getOne();

        // fallback
        return parent::lastInsertId($sequence);