

Test Coverage
:::{php:namespace} Atk4\Ui


# Quickstart

In this section we will demonstrate how to build a very simple web application with just
under 50 lines of PHP code. The important consideration here is that those are the ONLY
lines you need to write. There is no additional code "generated" for you.

At this point you might not understand some concept, so I will provide referenced deeper
into the documentation, but I suggest you to come back to this QuickStart to finish
this simple tutorial.

## Requirements

Agile Toolkit will work anywhere where PHP can. Find a suitable guide on how to set up
PHP on your platform. Having a local database is a plus, but our initial application will
work without persistent database.

## Installing

Create a directory which is accessible by you web server. Start your command-line,
enter this directory and execute composer command:

composer require atk4/ui

## Coding "Hello, World"

Open a new file `index.php` and enter the following code:

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new \Atk4\Ui\App('My First App');


:::{rubric} Clarifications

- All PHP files start with `<?php`. I will omit this line in my further examples. There is no need
  to add a matching `?>` at the end.
- Inclusion of `autoload.php` is a standard thing to do when working with PHP / Composer.
- The `App` class represents your web application. This line may change if you integrate Agile UI with another framework.
- Specifies default page layout for your application. Try changing between LayoutCentered and LayoutCentered.
- Creates new component 'HelloWorld' and adds it into Application Layout.

You should see the following output:

:::{image} images/helloworld.png

Instead of manually outputting a text "Hello, World!" we have used a standard component. This actually brilliantly
demonstrates a core purpose of Agile Toolkit. Instead of doing a lot of things yourself, you can rely on
components that do things for you.


## Using namespaces

By using namespaces you will be able to write less code for classes you use more often by using namespace references and
writing clearer code.

By using namespaces you will make out of this:

$app = new \Atk4\Ui\App('My First App');


use \Atk4\Ui\App; // just declared once at the top of your file

$app = new App('My First App');

This is helpful, if you use in this case "new App('...');" several times in your code (hint: normally you use "new App()" just
once in your project, but other classes could be used more often in one file)

If you call it only once in a file, just use:

$app = new \Atk4\Ui\App('My First App');

## Data Persistence

To build our "ToDo" application, we need a good location to store list of tasks. We don't really want to mess with
the actual database and instead will use "$_SESSION" for storing data.

To be able to actually run this example, create a new file todo.php in the same directory as index.php and
create the application:

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new \Atk4\Ui\App('ToDo List');

All components of Agile Data are database-agnostic and will not concern themselves with the way how you store data.
I will start the session and connect [persistence](
with it:

$s = new \Atk4\Data\Persistence\Array_($_SESSION);

If you're establishing a database connection that should be used throughout your whole application and in many classes,
you can define it in the $app->db class:

use Atk4\Data\Persistence;
use Atk4\Ui\App;

$db = Persistence::connect(DB_URI, DB_USR, DB_PWD);

$app = new App([
    "title" => "Erp v." . ERP_VER,
    "db" => $db,
    "callExit" => false,

## Data Model

We need a class `Task` which describes [data model]( for the
single ToDo item:

class ToDoItem extends \Atk4\Data\Model
    public $table = 'todo_item';

    protected function init(): void

        $this->addField('name', ['caption' => 'Task Name', 'required' => true]);

        $this->addField('due', [
            'type' => 'date',
            'caption' => 'Due Date',
            'default' => new \DateTime('+1 week'),

:::{rubric} Clarifications

- $table is a default table/collection/key name when persisting model data.
- Second argument to addField() is optional and can contain field meta-data.
- All Meta-data is stored but some has special meaning - 'type' will specify how UI presents the field
- Business Model is always using native PHP types, regardless of where data is stored.

As you might have noted already, Persistence and Model are defined independently from each-other.

## Instantiate App using DiContainerTrait (Dependency Injection)

Class App use `DiContainerTrait` which allow us to inject dependency directly in constructor:

use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

// create a log channel
$logger = new Logger('name');
$logger->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('path/to/your.log', Logger::WARNING));

use Atk4\Data\Persistence;
use Atk4\Ui\App;
$db = Persistence::connect("mysql://localhost:3306/database_name", "user", "password");

$app = new App([
    "title" => "Your application title",
    "db" => $db,
    "logger" => $logger,

## Form and Crud Components

Next we need to add Components that are capable of manipulating the data:

$col = \Atk4\Ui\Columns::addTo($app, ['divided']);
$colReload = new \Atk4\Ui\Js\JsReload($col);

$form = \Atk4\Ui\Form::addTo($col->addColumn());
$form->setModel(new ToDoItem($s));
$form->onSubmit(function (Form $form) use ($colReload) {

    return $colReload;

    ->setModel(new ToDoItem($s));

:::{rubric} Clarifications

- We wish to position Form and Table side-by-side, so we use `\Atk4\Ui\Columns` component and
  inject a Fomantic-UI CSS class "divided" that will appear as a vertical separation line.
- $colReload is a special object which we call {ref}`js_action`. It represents a Browser-event
  that will cause both columns to be reloaded from the server. To use this action we still have
  to bind it.
- `Columns` class provides `addColumn()` method to equally divide layout vertically. We call
  this method twice in our example, so two columns will be visible. Method returns a `View` where
  we can add a Form component.
- `setModel` provides a way to bind Component with Data Model and Data Persistence.
- `Form` relies on a special Callback feature of Agile UI to automatically handle onSubmit
  callback, pre-load form values into the model, so that you could simply
- Save the record into that session data. Form automatically captures validation errors.
- We use `$colReload` which we defined earlier to instruct client browser on what it needs to
  do when form is successfully saved.
- Very similar syntax to what we used with a form, but using with a Table for listing records.

It is time to test our application in action. Use the form to add new record data. Saving the form
will cause table to also reload revealing new records.

## Grid and Crud

As mentioned before, UI Components in Agile Toolkit are often interchangeable, you can swap one for
another. In our example replace right column (label 17) with the following code:

$grid = \Atk4\Ui\Crud::addTo($col->addColumn(), [
    'paginator' => false,
    'canCreate' => false,
    'canDelete' => false,
$grid->setModel(new ToDoItem($s));

$grid->menu->addItem('Complete Selected',
    new \Atk4\Ui\Js\JsReload($grid->table, [
        'delete' => $grid->addSelection()->jsChecked(),

if ($app->hasRequestQueryParam('delete')) {
    foreach (explode(',', $app->getRequestQueryParam('delete')) as $id) {

:::{rubric} Clarifications

- We replace 'Table' with a 'Crud'. This is much more advanced component, that wraps
  'Table' component by providing support for editing operations and other features like
  pagination, quick-search, etc.
- Disable create and delete features, since we have other ways to invoke that (form and checkboxes)
- Grid comes with menu, where we can add items.
- You are already familiar with JsReload action. This time we only wish to reload Grid's Table as
  we wouldn't want to lose any form content.
- Grid's `addSelection` method will add checkbox column. Implemented through `Table\Column\Checkbox`
  this object has method jsChecked() which will return another Action for collecting selected checkboxes.
  This demonstrates how Actions can be used as JavaScript expressions augmented by Components.
- Reload events will execute same originating PHP script but will pass additional arguments. In this
  case, 'delete' get argument is passed.
- We use the IDs to dispose of completed tasks. Since that happens during the Reload event, the
  App class will carry on with triggering the necessary code to render new HTML for the $grid->table,
  so it will reflect removal of the items.

## Conclusion

We have just implemented a full-stack application with a stunning UI, advanced use of JavaScript, Form
validation and reasonable defaults, calendar picker, multi-item selection in the grid with ability to
also edit records through a dynamically loaded dialog.

All of that in about 50 lines of PHP code. More importantly, this code is portable, can be used anywhere
and does not have any complex requirements. In fact, we could wrap it up into an individual Component
that can be invoked with just one line of code:

ToDoManager::addTo($app)->setModel(new ToDoItem());

Just like that you could be developing more components and re-using existing ones in your current
or next web application.