import atk from 'atk';
import AtkPlugin from './atk.plugin';
* Show or hide input field base on other input field condition.
* Support all Fomantic-UI form validation rule.
* Note on rule. FormService also add two more rule to Fomantic-UI existing ones:
* - notEmpty;
* - isVisible;
* - isEqual[number] for number comparison.
* Here is the phrasing of the rule.
* - Show "this field" if all condition are met.
* fieldRules is an array that contains items where each item describe the field to hide or show
* that depends on other field with their input value conditions.
* $form->js()->atkConditionalForm(
* [ 'fieldRules =>
* [
* 'fieldToShow' => ['field1' => 'notEmpty', 'field2' => 'number']
* ]
* ]);
* Can be phrase this way: Display 'fieldToShow' if 'field1' is not empty AND field2 is a number.
* Adding and array of field => rules for the same field will OR the condition for that field.
* $form->js()->atkConditionalForm(
* [ 'fieldRules =>
* [
* 'haircut' => [
* ['race' => 'contains[poodle]', 'age' => 'integer[0..5]'],
* ['race' => 'isExactly[bichon]']
* ]
* ]
* ]);
* Can be phrase this way: Display 'haircut' if 'race' contains 'poodle' AND 'age' is between 0 and 5 OR 'race' contains the exact word 'bichon'.
* Adding an array of conditions for the same field is also support.
* $form->js()->atkConditionalForm(
* [ 'fieldRules =>
* [
* 'ext' => ['phone' => ['number', 'minLength[7]']]
* ]
* ]);
* Can be phrase this way: Display 'ext' if phone is a number AND phone has at least 7 char.
* See Fomantic-UI validation rule for more details: https://fomantic-ui.com/behaviors/form.html#validation-rules
export default class AtkConditionalFormPlugin extends AtkPlugin {
main() {
this.inputs = [];
this.selector = this.settings.selector;
if (!this.selector) {
this.selector = atk.formService.getDefaultSelector();
// add change listener to inputs according to selector
.on('change', this, atk.createDebouncedFx(this.onInputChange, 100, true));
.on('change', this, atk.createDebouncedFx(this.onInputChange, 100, true));
.on('change', this, atk.createDebouncedFx(this.onInputChange, 100, true));
.on(this.settings.validateEvent, this, atk.createDebouncedFx(this.onInputChange, 250));
.on('change', this, atk.createDebouncedFx(this.onInputChange, 100));
getRule(ruleToSearch) {
return this.settings.fieldRules[ruleToSearch];
initialize() {
const ruleKeys = Object.keys(this.settings.fieldRules);
// map inputs according to ruleKeys
this.inputs = ruleKeys.map((ruleKey, idx, org) => {
const tempRule = this.settings.fieldRules[ruleKey];
const temp = [];
if (Array.isArray(tempRule)) {
for (const rule of tempRule) {
} else {
return { inputName: ruleKey, rules: temp, state: false };
* Field change handler.
onInputChange(e) {
// check rule when inputs has changed
* Check each validation rule and apply proper visibility state to the
* input where rules apply.
applyRules() {
for (const input of this.inputs) {
for (const rules of input.rules) {
let isAndValid = true;
const validateInputNames = Object.keys(rules);
for (const inputName of validateInputNames) {
const validationRule = rules[inputName];
if (Array.isArray(validationRule)) {
for (const rule of validationRule) {
isAndValid = isAndValid && atk.formService.validateField(this.$el, inputName, rule);
} else {
isAndValid = isAndValid && atk.formService.validateField(this.$el, inputName, validationRule);
// apply OR condition between rules
input.state = input.state || isAndValid;
* Set all input state visibility to false.
resetInputStatus() {
for (const input of this.inputs) {
input.state = false;
* Set fields visibility according to their state.
setInputsState() {
for (const input of this.inputs) {
const $input = atk.formService.getField(this.$el, input.inputName);
if ($input) {
const $container = atk.formService.getContainer($input, this.selector);
if ($container) {
this.setInputState(input.state, $input, $container);
setInputState(passed, field, fieldGroup) {
if (passed) {
} else if (!passed && this.settings.autoReset) {
// field.val(field.data('original'));
} else if (!passed && !this.settings.autoReset) {
AtkConditionalFormPlugin.DEFAULTS = {
autoReset: true,
validateEvent: 'keydown',
selector: null,
fieldRules: [],