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namespace Atk4\Ui;

use Atk4\Core\TraitUtil;

trait SessionTrait
    private function getSessionManager(): App\SessionManager
        // all methods use this method, so we better check NameTrait existence here in one place
        if (!TraitUtil::hasNameTrait($this)) {
            throw new Exception('Object must have NameTrait applied to use session');

        return $this->getApp()->session;

     * @template T
     * @param \Closure(): T $fx
     * @return T
    public function atomicSession(\Closure $fx, bool $readAndCloseImmediately = false)
        return $this->getSessionManager()->atomicSession($fx, $readAndCloseImmediately);

     * Remember data in object-relevant session data.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @return mixed $value
    public function memorize(string $key, $value)
        return $this->getSessionManager()->memorize($this->name, $key, $value);

     * Similar to memorize, but if value for key exist, will return it.
     * @param mixed $defaultValue
     * @return mixed Previously memorized data or $defaultValue
    public function learn(string $key, $defaultValue = null)
        return $this->getSessionManager()->learn($this->name, $key, $defaultValue);

     * Returns session data for this object. If not previously set, then
     * $defaultValue is returned.
     * @param mixed $defaultValue
     * @return mixed Previously memorized data or $defaultValue
    public function recall(string $key, $defaultValue = null)
        return $this->getSessionManager()->recall($this->name, $key, $defaultValue);

     * Forget session data for $key. If $key is omitted will forget all
     * associated session data.
     * @return $this
    public function forget(?string $key = null)
        $this->getSessionManager()->forget($this->name, $key);

        return $this;