Feature: JS
Given I am on "javascript/js.php"
Then I don't see button "Hidden Button"
Then I see button "Hide on click Button"
When I press button "Hide on click Button"
Then I don't see button "Hide on click Button"
Then I see button "B"
When I press button "Hide button B"
Then I don't see button "B"
Then I see button "Hide button B"
Then I see button "C"
When I press button "Hide button C and self"
Then I don't see button "C"
Then I don't see button "Hide button C and self"
# "//div.ui.header[text()[normalize-space()='Callbacks']]/following-sibling::div.ui.button[1]" is too long for nice CI output
When I check if text in "//div.ui.button[8]" match text "Callback Test"
When I press button "Callback Test"
# "//div.ui.header[text()[normalize-space()='Callbacks']]/following-sibling::div.ui.button[1]" is too long for nice CI output
Then I check if text in "//div.ui.button[8]" match regex "~^\d+$~"
Scenario: JsCallback exception is displayed
When I press button "failure"
Then Modal is open with text "Atk4\Ui\Exception: Everything is bad"
Then I hide js modal
When I press button "failure"
Then Modal is open with text "Atk4\Ui\Exception: Everything is bad"